Money Sect™

The most dangerous sect (cult) in the history of mankind.

"They are the opposite of the hundreds of millions of us that want to get to work using our genius and technology to turn this all around before the Money Sect causes or orders more deaths. War is not the answer, it is just the option chosen by the incompetent."


OLD: A medium that can be exchanged for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market. ( NEW: Slave script used to manipulate societies and their institutions.


Any group, party, or faction united by a specific doctrine or under a doctrinal leader.(

  Being rich and or successful does not put you into the Money Sect. Enjoying the fruits of your labors, money you earn from work or talents does not put you into the Money Sect.

The Money Sect is made up of people that worship money and the associated control they can achieve from it. As with any kind of pathological behavior (psychopath - sociopath) they do not care who gets hurt as a result of their actions and they are usually quite intelligent and clever in disguising their motivations and activities. And remember, control is fear based.

People that have more money than they can ever use are part of the Money Sect because it is nonsensical. Corporations that have zillions of shares of worthless stock, making nothing profits from being in the circle of nothingness that was created by the Money Sect for the Money Sect are part of the Money Sect. They erode human life and are reversing the evolution of mankind back to being animalistic preditors instead of propelling us forward with service to humanity. By the way, many religions talk about the result they are bringing, calling it Armageddon.

Their Personality

Selfish: they need everything to be theirs.
Lonely (except for their puppets)
Low self esteem
Psychopath - Sociopathic, no conscience, no regard as to the results of the actions they take or who gets hurt as a result.
Lifeless - Soulless; they usually don't even take the time to raise their own children and enjoy real human life.
They need slaves top make them feel better (Will you turn down my sheets now?)
They have grandiose delusions that they have a viable plan for the world with the real results being that you sacrifice so they gain.
They love leading weak people around by the nose.
They are not good at being elected public leaders to guard and protect the public good.

Their Achievements

They manipulate or take over countries as a game.
They have destroyed every attempt at building a humane society since the beginning of time.
They corrupt governments and institutions like banking and the military.
They destroy goodness.
They attempt to corrupt and destroy justice departments.
They attack, demean and attempt to destroy institutions that want goodness to prevail (Like those that adore Jesus or any other representation of goodness)
They take control of the media so the public has no choices for the future of their society.

Most Recently
Have they infiltrated the society and government of the USA and turned it from being a beacon of hope for justice and humanity to a puppet regime for their use and profits?
They take over colleges and teach predatorial behavior.
College communities find themselves becoming docile and predatorial in obedience to their manipulations.
They create debt slaves of hundreds of thousands of students every year.
They paralyze societies.
They frown on real leadership and prefer obedience to their machine.
Entire societies become angry or at the least unhappy and replace normal behavior with drug and alcohol addiction, crime and even obesity. As we try and figure out what all the trouble is about and why can we no longer just have happy lives.

Past Results

The Fall of Rome...etc.

Who empowers them?

Lazy, selfish people. Are you one?
People that do not know the facts or their options because the Money Sect has taken over the lines of communication and the media. Controlling us via divide and conquer. Hate color, hate race, hate religion, hate fatties, hate skinniness, don't trust your neighbor and make everyone and everything suspect. If you hate does it really make you independent? Guess what, the jokes on you. It makes you a puppet! You may have been indoctrinated and may now be indoctrinating others to also be haters and slaves.

The history

If you actually read the original documents that were drawn up as the outline for the new nation of the United States. It is obvious that it was quite enlightening. Even to the extent of making each state its own sovereign. But it didn't serve the Money Sect.
As time went by. There were many attempts to usurp the real meanings of those documents and twist them to achieve other ends. And in the last 150 years our nation has become something totally different than what the original designers intended and were trying to achieve. "One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"
Even the rules outlined in Corporate and Banking charters were changed from being outlines to insure those entities operated for the public good to now operating as predatory institutions. Their achievements now resemble stacking air. They have created huge piles of worthless fiat money and now are trying to shore up their mistakes by conquering innocent and/or uneducated nations.

Why did it happen in the USA?

My guess.
Because the people of the USA are honest and decent people and we thought the people we gave corporate power to and the people we elected to public offices would do the right thing and do what they were getting paid to do.
Plus we have a great deal of common sense and prefer to live and enjoy our real lives rather that in some dreamed up grandiose delusional world of stacking up air or piles of worthless fiat money.

What can we do?

Realize that ripping off America has become a very lucrative profession.
Take control of your own life.
Understand things like every time you use that credit card and don't pay it off in the first 30 days that you are giving someone else $1.00 or more of your hourly wage just for that loan. It's very hard to escape that trap.
Realize that your neighbors and others in your local community are not your enemies.
Realize that profits generated by large corporations and banks in your community leave your community and gradually erode your standard of with locally owned businesses.
Realize that the most powerful thing you can do is to get involved in your community, maybe even run for office.
Or, find out who is running for office and see which corporations or institutions own them by using websites like  if they are all owned, run for office or help take back control of your local Democrat and Republican Central Committees and the DNC and RNC.