Civilicious is Delicious™

Are we civilized yet?™

Beginning Family
Lazy Criminal MoneySect (DeSpot)
Offers Protection and Safety
despot caveman

Growing Family needs
to keep Money
MoneySect (DeSpot)
brings in DeFense & Selling Fear
despot caveman

Growing Family needs
to keep Money
MoneySect DeSpot uses
Fear and Guilt to get money
despot caveman

Citizen Brainwashed & Replaces
Enjoying Life with Love of Money
MoneySect brings Religion
Fear and Guilt to get money
despot caveman

Pilgrim Family
Helps start a new nation.
MoneySect DeSpots
Schemes to Steal from Workers
despot caveman

Working Familys
Build a new nation.
MoneySect DeSpots
Schemes to Steal from Workers
despot caveman

Working Familys
Build a new nation.
DeSpots Invent IRS, Taxes
& Federal Reserve Bank
despot caveman

Working Familys
Start getting dissected by gov.
DeSpots, Banks and Corporations
Bleed wealth from all US generations.
despot caveman

Brought to you by
The Civilist Society