Becoming a Sage

March 15, 2019

Why did I decide to try and become a Sage?

1. Jesus said to gather wisdom and deliver it to the people when I was old. But little did I know I would have to deal with a fascist regime that demands to filter truth through their sieve.
2. While watching live action on TV, I couldn’t understand why innocent people were running through the jungle killing innocent people. I knew that people were starving and war is an idiotic waste of resources.
3. Our President was murdered and our government couldn’t tell us why.
4. I grew up around rednecks that weren’t smart enough to know that it couldn’t be done.
5. I couldn’t understand why the bloodlines of women are terminated upon marriage.
6. It was obvious that the indoctrination we were receiving was unjust, false and unfair.
7. The USA was a new country and didn’t have any yet. And considering this click here for a quick view Communist China, it was time to start to more clearly identify our nation and what we really stand for.
That was all when I was about 7 years old. My other options were to be a Priest or Psychiatrist. But to become a real sage seemed more of a challenge and would fulfill my desire and duty to offer an original contribution to mankind.

Some Guidelines of being a Sage

1. Like a Real Priest or Pastor you must never betray a trust.
Real meaning those that don’t harm others as in physical or psychological abuse of children or anyone else. Especially when Biblically abuse of a child is at least equal to murder and Priests and Pastors that do it have allowed themselves to become overwhelmed by evil and can no longer be shepherds of God’s people. Then the truly righteous and virtuous can move up to replace them. Mind control is also a supreme crime.
2. Never get involved in us vs. them politics because at the end of the day all laws we make must be for the sole purpose of giving the people of our nation the advantage. Giving a group or corporation the advantage is fascism, communism and/or slavery, however you want to look at it.
3. It pretty much requires that you be an empath otherwise you cannot mirror other peoples thoughts and protect yourself against the evil ones.
4. You must be prepared to follow people down their rabbit hole or primrose path so you can find out who they are and what made them that way.
5. You must be prepared to give up self and serve God.
6. Be prepared to learn, sometimes harshly, that many people will fight tooth and nail to keep their chosen delusion(s) or comfort zone.
7. Be prepared for extreme heartbreak when you see what some societies turn their people into.
There is much more……

Some interesting results

1. One must realize that there is absolutely nothing that we do in life without the assistance of someone else somewhere. Except talk with God.
2. Slavery by predators is still widespread and enslaves almost all of us. We should have never let predators and thieves have the power they now have.
3. Abortion is forced upon a society by economic slavery. Since life begins when 23 chromosomes from one person mash up with 23 chromosomes from another and the zygote cell of life is formed. Terminating that cell is terminating the beginning of a human life and opportunity to have another magnificent human being join us.
4. Not surprisingly the socialist movement is growing, never is socialism just socialism. We are in a very similar situation to this click here.
5. Money is being used to replace our soul.
6. As a Christian see no personal sin, make no judgement is a way of life. But when a Nations Quality of Life results in drug and alcohol addiction, depravity, sadism and suicide then we have failed our people and they have lost belief and faith.
7. We created those problems, we must make a choice to solve them.
8. Amazing fact “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord” is a very real truth, I have seen it happen many many times.
9. Religion as a purpose or excuse has saved many millions more lives than it has taken.

Religion: Christian with respect for Taoism

God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well

Reverend Michael Banker

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