Brotherhood of Man

May 19, 2016

Brotherhood of Man

*Communism vs. Christianity

Are you a brother or sister in our family of mankind or have you lost control and now just a beast.

Thinking about some of these questions may help you understand where your indoctrination came from, simple indoctrination meaning what kind of society do you live in and what were you taught as the norm.

Interpersonal relationships: if someone owes you $100.00 and they don’t have it at some specified time do you attack them with guilt and fear, the tools of tyrants, stripping them of their God given human dignity, forgetting that we all have struggles in this life…communist.

Do you call everyone you know and tell them about it so you can spread some of your own misery?

Or maybe you ignore any attempts at a real solution and drag them into court so there will then be an
entire room of people to beat them down too. communist,

Do you understand that we are all faced with the same problems in our brotherhood of mankind and ask
them..”How can I help?” Christian (You would be surprised how full of long term friends your life will
be when you treat everyone from a kind, reasonable and rational Christian viewpoint!)

If you invite a homeless, helpless or handicapped person to stay on your property to give them a hand up in life. ….then you tout it to all how great you are for doing it….. but secretly attack them every day to strip them of their God given dignity or just to spread your own misery? …communist, sadist

…you understand from the outset that there may be some inconveniences and you work as a brother or sister in kind to get them through some hard times….Christian.

When angry with someone or just describing them to another do use character assassination and slander to beat them down to equal your own miserable existence….communist, beast

Or do you say I really don’t know, judging others is used more as a tool of evil than anything I can describe so why don’t you contact them yourself and find out?

You want to steal your neighbors mailbox so do you ….start going to church and playing a charade with everyone so you won’t be suspected of taking it ..( a very common ploy in today’s world, hiding behind Gods Society while doing evil.

Or do you say to yourself, that’s silly, I can just go get me a new one at the store.

I think you get the point.

When are we going to shake this huge negative cloud of evil and corrupt indoctrination that has been thrust upon us by the weak, lazy and tricky and then realize that we are all in this together.
Everything does get better as a brotherhood of mankind.

For instance a couple of phrases that people take up after they can’t handle it anymore are….
“It’s a dog eat dog world.”…Meaning they no longer want to consider better options or working to solve some of the problems we have in our societies.


“Life is not fair”…Again the term how can I help is gone from their reality and they no longer have the ability to solve problems or just look for better options but they are not going to care about or help you or anyone else but themselves.

We should try some better terms like:

How can I help. or
That’s ok we will get through this together.
Or even at the store when a clerk says “How are you” say “Better now that I seen you.”

Unless you have fallen for their con game of cynicism and negative hate filled lifestyles. Like the beasts that live their days looking for disadvantaged or people that they can beat down to further spread their own misery.

Fact is life is a struggle for everyone,

*Communism figuratively because a few control the lives of many and presuming that we have capitalism now where we trade things like labor for money, goods and or services rather than Communism where we would all eventually be picking up our pound of flour and pound of cheese weekly and a few have everything they want.

Skipping ethics too because 2016 politically correctness has moral bankruptcy as OK as long as you win…because we only love winners. Losers seem to quickly become targets.

Coming to the end of the initial build state of mankind needs and having learned how to build just about anything. Two things remain prominent as things we can accomplish.

Now that it takes less labor to achieve things, what to do with the extra time and people with no jobs as a result of our ingenuity and technology?

And how to fairly distribute our planets resources so everyone has an opportunity for at least some of the safety (clean water, safe food and shelter) and comforts we have developed in the last about 100 years.

But…. before we can do that we need to realize that those telling us there was not global warming were lying to us for their own personal gain and the damage we have done to earths nature is much worse than we thought.

So at the same time we need to figure out how to deal with the selfish, greedy, and mentally ill. Narcissistic psychopaths who are continuing to march us toward the end of the human existence.

Sorry weak, no real peace to write.

God Bless

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