March 2021

March 28, 2021 Trust Your Medical Staff Happy Sunday to the World. As I have been resting in my new apartment at a Senior Apartment Community. One of the most amazing things I have learned in the last year is the importance of rest when trying to recover from hazardous illnesses. Having been almost phobic… Read More March 2021

February 2021

February 28, 2021 Still stuck, controlled in Indianapolis. Watching CPAC online: February 26, 2021 Still stuck, controlled in Indianapolis. Learn this new phrase: “Communist Extortionist Terror Cell” That is a possible title for the new operators and their activities to trample liberty by beating down not just cities but even selected individuals. They rob… Read More February 2021

YOU MAY BE NEXT – Are We SLAVES or HOSTAGES – Trashing the Homeless Preacher

UPDATED DAILY ….Be Obedient or Else. Sleezy, cruel and sadistic slavemakers. The cost of communism and fascism. Are they testing total fascism in the USA? What is this about? Money? Nope, few things are really about the money. It’s about us, our safety and who we are! Before I go on please understand that both… Read More YOU MAY BE NEXT – Are We SLAVES or HOSTAGES – Trashing the Homeless Preacher

I Showed You Hearts That Were Pure. What Did You Do? You Robbed Them!

October 1, 2019 Freewill: You made your choice — Ripping off Americans Now let’s take a look at what that means. It means you have chosen not to be a valuable part of the brotherhood of humanity, a Nation, State, City or Town. It means you are lazy, and cannot conceive, perceive or achieve so… Read More I Showed You Hearts That Were Pure. What Did You Do? You Robbed Them!