Ending Liberty: Privacy

Ending Liberty: Privacy 

September 4, 2024 
For thousands of years mankind worked toward liberty and privacy for everyone.
And please consider that one contribution to the successes and growth of the USA was to be able to rent secure quarters and have the privacy to be left alone to focus on work achievement.
Here in the United States, just to get simple civilized behavior like prior notification that the landlord needed to enter the property you rent or lease. We were in courts for decades to prevent dog eat dog landlords and staff from abusing tenants.
I don’t know if it has ever happened to you but believe me it sucks when people just walk into your home or apartment anytime they want to.
In 2024, we seem to be going backwards as agent provocateurs invade especially public housing with either a profit motive (shakedown) or for twisted sadistic reasons they feel a need to ignore our civilized rules and instead torment or prey on even the elderly and handicapped.
Is that one result of technology, people no longer communicating face to face. Reverting us back to an age of barbarianism?
And don’t forget that your town, city, county, state and nation is Your Union, GET INVOLVED!
God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well
Duty Liberty – Liberty is your Duty.

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