Labor Day YOUR UNION 2024

Labor Day YOUR UNION!  September 2, 2024 

Lucky for me I was once involved in the voting in or not of union representation for the workers of a small factory in the Midwest USA.
Because of the scope of all the people involved. Believe me, there are few situations in life that will teach you more wisdom than the labor movement.
The deepest and widest being the effect of money on people’s minds which might be why Jesus flipped the tables of the merchants in front of the temple? A warning or gesture that had we more deeply delved into then and until now, most of the problems we have would not be happening.
And since money is sustenance in this world, when Jesus was asked about money and replied, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesars.” Do you really think he wasn’t surrounded by a team of AFM’s thugs looking for a reason to harm him?
Or more easily relatable to today’s world, the attacks on Henry Ford by the Banks of New York that he was supposedly paying the workers in his factories to high in wages. His reply was simple, “If I don’t pay them enough to buy my cars, who will buy my cars?”
And their reply in kind was to make hemp illegal, (end that liberty) in the USA so he couldn’t use it for parts or oil and fuel. Resulting in a black market that has cost our country countless lives, harmed millions more lives via the courts and forced hundreds of millions of people to live in pain for decades or become pharmaceutical drug addicts for the money-changers. Costing our nation much pain and perhaps trillions of dollars.
Now, for those that haven’t figured it out yet, you may be wondering what all that has to do with labor or the labor movement?
OK here there are two people sitting in a theatre and they see a tiger catch and eat a squirrel. One person thinks “Wow, I am glad I am a human, I wouldn’t want to be a part of that barbaric animalistic world.” The other person thinks “Ok, so that is the way the world is and becomes an AFM (Anything for Money!).” Never becoming a member of any town, city, county, state or nation. They prey on everyone without conscience or any membership in humanity at all. Especially in the future for our young! Leading to fascism and the gradual extermination of the human species. Not to mention making Americans look like fools, liars, cheats and thieves.
When an AFM gets power and is not a participant in our society except as a predator, for protection and self-preservation, the reply is to form a union of the people involved. In the USA for protection and self-preservation, every state is supposed to be a union of the people in that state to guide it toward the best possible quality of life for all of them. Same with the union of the people of the United States.
Here in 2024 as the union of people have seen and felt their and their children’s quality of live digress, most people have quit voting.
1. Elections have become little more than entertainment like sporting events.
2. Many elections are now almost secret elections, barely even hitting the local news. Eliminating the participation of that particular union of people (YOU) from any real participation whatsoever.
There is a dim future in the direction the self-serving are pushing us.
Either you are a part of ignorance and the problems it is causing, or you are a part of the solution.
Stand up for YOUR State and Federal Union! Not to make a profit from, but to ensure that we all have the right to create the best possible life for everyone.
God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well
Duty Liberty Liberty is your duty!

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