Life with an Addict or Junkie

Addict or junkie? Addict is addicted to this or that. A junkie is a person who is consumed by an addiction. Aspects of their life and lives of people around them suffer as he/she satisfies the addiction. Either way it is a choice that the person makes.

I suppose with any society that is degrading or having economic problems there is growth in drug and alcohol abuse. But in my entire life I never had any idea how comprehensive the issue was or is nor did I have any idea that they can be very violent and psychotic.

If you look up the word narcotic you see things like: something that soothes, induces sleep, relieves pain or stress, or causes a sensation of mental numbness, a typically addictive drug, especially one derived from opium, that may produce effects ranging from pain relief and sleep to stupor, coma, and convulsions.

But that is not at all what I seen, the results I did see myself were violence, provocation, constant sabotage and attacks on any people close by. With absolutely no conscience as to the results of their actions unless confronted by loss of something that they need like money, power or control.

Then hearing story’s that when summed up resulted in a pattern of hurting others or one’s self so they have something to talk about in their culture, clubs and organizations like Narcotics Anonymous.

Unbelievable behavior, screaming hours on end, etc. Constant threats of violence or harm in other ways if you don’t pay them or give them what they want.

They are like not there, they will ask you for $10 then after you give it to them or appease them in any way shape or form, thinking that you are helping them by standing by them through a hard time, they come for more again and again. This one told me between highs that they can and do justify anything at all. Others people do not matter at all.

And realistically, if you are living with them shouldn’t you worry that they may put dope in your food? Scary stuff. Sucks to pay rent and not to be able to sleep because of the noise or fear of what may happen…what an adventure.

What a horrible addiction. What a sad choice of a way to live. But the more sad fact is the innocent people that are hurt by them and the situations they choose to create.

It really is a great thing that we have organizations available to help these poor souls through the hard times they choose. But it doesn’t address the issue that they seem to have no guilt or conscience about the things they do to others or the hardships they bring on others. Which compounds the problem to society. Are they criminal psychopaths that found a place to hide or are they under the control of a substance that takes over every aspect of their being. What do we as a society do?

It cannot be ignored as any victim of a crime will tell you.

Much different than alcohol addiction but still a common problem when a society turns downward or is having hard times resulting in the stripping people of their dignity.

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