
Media is the number one most important part of a democratic republic and a healthy happy society.

When not controlled by mentally ill psychopaths. It is used to report back and forth between parts of our society about happenings and events from local and national government to local and national happenings, events and entertainment.

Once a society has been tricked into centralizing power like the people of the United States have. The corrupt can then start funneling the money out of the local economies while at the same time slowly taking control of the media to curb the public’s ability to know about whats going on so they have the option of protecting themselves.

These are historically dangerous activities being done by ignorant people who have no regard for any form of social responsibility except how much they can steal from us. Daily they continue to whittle down the value of all of the wealth earned by ALL GENERATIONS of the people of the United States going all the way back to even before 1776.

To make sure the people of the United States and the world don’t expose the crimes they are committing they must control the media. Historically the Media has been described as the 4th Estate, as absolutely necessary to have and keep a Democratic Republic and for the citizenry to have personal human liberties.

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