Psychological Warfare – Domestic Terrorism

Our battle with Sadism – Introducing the Criminal Creators!

Mar. 31, 2015

Stop Hating What is FREE SPEECH? Free speech is a rule or law put in place by a nation whose government actually cares about the people of that nation and their nation rather than allowing itself to be manipulated by small groups of people that have things to hide as a result of incompetence or dishonesty. A government by the people and for the people WANTS to KNOW what’s happening and wants free speech so they know that no one is suffering.

In the 1990’s it became obvious that people were going to share things on the Internet so that they could get advice, compare notes or warn others. What resulted was a huge domestic police organization including psychological warfare training of almost all law enforcement people. Breeding hate and distain for our fellow citizens and our lives. Not to mention that privacy is a human right in Europe, not so in the USA.

As most people know just about anyone can write whatever they want on the Internet. The main reason is, I suppose, that most people do not read. Which is a good thing for the incompetent with power the crooks and mentally ill greed monsters.

For those of us that do read we then must fundamentally take everything we read at the value of maybe so or maybe not. Then if we have an interest or see some importance we look for more information.

With so much information and so much of it deliberately put out there to confuse you or to divert you, yes lots of money is spent persuading you not to care about yourself or your nation or the futures of our children.

Anyway the President of the United States seems to be garnering interest in the futile act of putting non threatening people in cages. Good idea. Now let’s remove the parasites from our economic system, go back to the basic econ 101 and get the USA back in unison again. Isn’t it interesting that when the Declaration of Independence or even the Constitution was written, the Constitution in itself was not going to fly until the addition of protections we call the Bill of Rights, culled hugely from the Declaration of Independence, was added.

Anyway did George Washington or any of the rest of our founding fathers have a Corporate Police Department like the Department of Homeland Security to make sure the people, the Puritans and Pilgrims, stay in line? Nope; back then if you tried to cheat hundreds or thousands or millions of people they would just shun you in any of several different ways like business fulfillment which worked well because everyone was tied in with everyone else to some degree so fairness and Common Law was easy and the norm.

Did they have metal detectors or even policemen at the meeting places? Nope; because everyone was working together and no one was inclined to cheat masses of people for fear that they would be harmed in some way, Common Law.

Now it is legal to hurt millions of people as long as you have a powerful lobby group and lots of lawyers. And sometimes lots of money that you got from our treasury somehow via the lobbyists or whatever.


Anyway I decided to stop by one of Ellen Browns websites Ellen Brown is an attorney that was out of the United States for some time and upon returning she wrote a book called “Web of Debt” that all but proves that we the people of the United States are being terribly mislead by the people that are in charge of the financial side of our nation.

Tune In Tomorrow for a Primer on Banking

Ellen Brown founded the Public Banking Institute Which offers an alternative to the current banking system, or much of what we now have, which was designed (it seems) and devised to rip off the people of the United States.

Anyway, while listening to the audio interviews etc. on the website I learned of another person that seems to also be passionate about liberty and justice for the people of the United states and his name is Paul Craig Roberts.

Paul Craig Roberts is great. Please take a look . He was actually involved in our government at the highest levels and has written many books about the goings on in the USA and our government.

Unlike myself whose interest was initiated by the things I seen in the military during the Vietnam conflict and then the Case 483 U.S. 669 (1987) United States v. Stanley. No. 86- 393 A great case to read if you want an idea of how our government works and how it deals with the people of our nation.

I thought to look at the USA from more of an active sociological or philosophical viewpoint skipping the indoctrination; I went all across the USA and based on the things that happened then ferreting out the real causes/purposes.

Enter Sadism and Domestic Terrorism

black helicopter Were these people sold hate or is it just a result of worshiping money and no value to life whatsoever?

Directly related to the uneven financial situation that the status quo has forced us to live or try and live with. Living in constant fear, and on a hamster wheel to keep us afraid, busy and occupied.

Before you write someone you know off as crazy please read what’s below and know that this is very real and is just the tip of the iceberg of reasons that you need to HELP AND VOTE.

It seems we have entered a time when politicians are of their own club at the whim of the highest bidders.

We can vote them out, you can run for office.

Whether it is kidnapping for human trafficking or just abuse of power by corrupted government entities targeted individuals are being subjected to horrific and unimaginable abuse.

As a part of my seeking information in hopes of making our great nation better I have survived this several times and never had any idea who or why they were doing it except robbery or just sadistic pure evil.

As I go through this I am not going to blame any particular agency, primarily because now that these practices have been taught to so many they are also being used by small groups or individuals for extortion, human trafficing etc. Pay the money or else.

Why did this happen, why do we find ourselves here? I can only suppose that some people had things to hide that were going to be exposed and they got and are scared of the exposure and developed or started implementing ways to beat down the human dignity of people or massively mankind.

What if the government had a secret harassment program that almost guarantees any unwilling participant would either commit an act of violence, be diagnosed with a mental illness or commit suicide…

Well, unfortunately there is such a program being implemented by official and unofficial groups against an untold number of American civilians every day in our country. The unwilling participants in this extreme harassment campaign have been given the title of “Targeted Individuals”.

Through an unrelenting psychological warfare & harassment campaign – and for some – an unrelenting physical torture campaign using directed overexposure to deadly electromagnetic radiation, a targeted individual is kept in a constant state of agitation, confusion, anxiety and physical pain (dis-ease).

One of the purposes we pay taxes and have a government is so they protect us from harm the best they can.

Does this sound like science-fiction? Paranoia? Impossible for anything like this to occur at the hands of the government or anyone else? Maybe you should research COINTELPRO and become educated in the types of secret operations some of our taxpayer funded organizations has been involved in for decades.

This extraordinary harassment campaign has been given the name “extra-judicial punishment”. For those that have had an encounter with even the police you may have noticed that everyone is now treated as guilty and with distain regardless of guilt or innocence.

In the post 9/11 era, a military court (Possibly as a result of Abraham Lincoln being assassinated just hours before he was going to sign the document that would have taken the United States out of “Time of War”.) which has given the military domestic power that was NEVER AT ALL intended nor even implied, but was actually frowned upon by our nation’s founding documents.

So now a military court has been established behind closed doors in which ONLY federal law enforcement agents can present “evidence”.

From this one-sided and obviously biased presentation any American citizen can be declared a “terrorist” (wait until you research what can constitute that title) or be placed into the “targeted individual” program where they are tormented daily through various psychological warfare tactics and in some cases tortured and poisoned daily through constant directed overexposure to potentially deadly electromagnetic radiation.

All without the ability to defend themselves or any form of due process.

What about our Constitution?

Better keep that word quiet and use it sparingly or you may just find yourself on that “T” list…

At some point it will definitely lead world courts to call our leaders for an explanation.

This type of extreme harassment program essentially allows those few holding positions of power in our military, intelligence, federal law enforcement communities and criminal communities to target literally ANYONE they want to psychologically strip of their human God given self esteem and dignity, anyone they hold a grudge or want to rob or extort something from. Or force into slavery.

When criminal organizations use it is called Domestic Terrorism. I have no idea what it’s called when the government uses it except maybe severe and criminal abuse of power.

There are no criminal charges filed, no due process, instead behind closed doors a decision is made that a particular person deserves to be psychologically and physically tortured, removed from society by ANY means necessary. This type of operation would make the CIA’s MK ULTRA and FBI’s COINTELPRO operations bow their heads in shame. It appears however to be a mixture of them both!

An unrelenting and truly unimaginable invasion of privacy, subjected to constant abuse by psychological warfare.

A targeted individual is slowly and in many cases unbelievably quickly broken down mentally and physically. Causing PTSD without a doubt.

Constantly surrounded by angry participants under the premise that “no one can survive in a constantly negative environment” a targeted individual is systematically poisoned both emotionally and physically.

Constant, complete character assassination and slander.

Constant or daily degradation maybe even hourly.

Obviously the people that do these things are sadistic so add to that pedophiles, sexual perverts, low self esteem or narcissists.

cockroach Constant verbal abuse.

Constant provocation.

If you are a man you hate and abuse women.

If you are a woman you hate and abuse men.

You are not worthy of even talking or being.

If you are white you are a racist.

If you are black you are a racist.

You are not worthy of even talking or being.

You hate children so you are evil.

If you are fat or obese you are a pig.

If you are thin and trim you are a pervert.

Never are there any kind words unless used to bait you for a psychological slam.

Never is there any normal conversation, you are a non-entity.

If you have money they will take it and you become a slave.

If you don’t have money you are instantly a slave.

Constant sexual perversion and harassment.

Sensory or sleep deprivation or isolation.

When you do have contact you are not allowed to talk, if you do the replies will be derogatory and such for you to feel demeaned. “What the hell are you talking to me for?”

Then the environmental stuff:

Put sand in a toilet flush valve so it never stops running.

Break a blower or heater fan so the noise is loud, turn it off you freeze to death.

Opening mail, s****ing mail

Going to your bank and getting your account balances

Constant trespass into personal and business relationships so they all fail. Creating desperation and isolation.

Basically you are being killed.

Pure evil!

Fear and intimidation are often used to further aid in the psychological destruction of a targeted individual.

If constantly being engulfed in this environment of “negative energy” is not enough to destroy a target, a new form of torture is quickly introduced which is another obvious violation of human rights.

Directed, daily overexposure from their new high tech weapons usually paid for by the United States Taxpayer, invisible, and potentially deadly, electromagnetic radiation whose initial symptoms can closely resemble those of high anxiety and stress.

Whether the years of directed overexposure to these continuous and elevated levels of electromagnetic radiation will result in future disease or health issues is unknown. But most professionals in this area agree that the health effects will be negative including premature aging, memory and mental degeneration and cancer.

The goal of this type of evil and sadistic attack or terrorism is to have the targeted individual feel so helpless and frustrated they lash out in a physical act of aggression in order to incarcerate them (entrapment), complain irrationally about the seemingly fantastical details of the ongoing abuse which are designed to get them institutionalized or give up their will to live and commit suicide.

This is Domestic Terrorism.

If as a result of the ongoing abuse a targeted individual commits suicide from being perpetrated against them by the terrorist or government institution, who is held accountable?

If a targeted individual one day drops dead from a heart attack or stroke while in their 30’s or even 40’s, is this really just another example of a natural cause of death?

Please vote

If you think a society isn’t responsible for the crime in that society think again! WE CREATE DESPIRATION!

America is going backwards: because our society is being robbed, we seem to be going backwards in many ways

What else is probably happening as a result? Small power groups all across the country taking control of whatever they can, from police departments to courts, any way they can maybe because so many have lost hope.

Lame leadership: allowing evil people to do evil things to us sometimes using our own money.

What kind of world do we want for our children?

Psychological Manipulation

Be Peace
Good Luck
God Bless

Michael Banker

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