WOW, George Soros

December 13, 2018

Information overload, until today I never knew anything about George Soros except what most people garner from right wing lies or news blurbs.
Having spent most of my life in the mud and blood of trying to sell Justice and Mutual Caring as a reminder to those that don’t understand that Justice and Mutual Caring were the fundamentals that helped facilitate the growth of the USA. (And are also the fundamentals that Jesus preached.)

Around 1950 -1960 a great con game started against the people of the USA, resulting in the replacement of Meritocracy with a new sadistic game of Kleptocracy (those that can devise clever schemes to rip off our national treasury and strip the US population of its God given human dignity… they think that is winning) !

What kept me going in the face of apathy and moral bankruptcy was a mantra to use the life God gave me to try and deliver some type of contribution to mankind. Which started as to try and make sure the young of our nation have at least a level playing field to start on and participate in. Including honest, fair and objective truth.

Anyway I was amazed when I took the time, especially since as part of my travels I had spent a lot of time with people, Jewish, that survived WWII in Europe., I took the time to investigate who is George Soros. And I have spent my entire life in a country whose indoctrination includes that charity is all but dictated by the IRS.

As far as I can tell George Soros stepped on the bus of truth, honesty, fairness, justice and mutual caring when many more than most stepped off.

Wow, this man, like so many others, didn’t have to do anything for anyone…but he did! And wow did he!

The world and millions of people owe him the honor and respect that is reserved for only those that have given far above and beyond whatever we consider a norm.

About George Soros

His Open Society Foundations (OSF) have funded NGOs advancing human rights, the rule of law, education, public health, LGBT and Roma rights and a free press across central and eastern Europe and in more than 120 countries, giving away more than $14bn.

The Guardian

The more a government criticized Soros, the lousier it was at meeting its citizens’ needs.

The Atlantic

Once you understand the tendentious populism at work, you see how assorted underlying fears get weaponized into a faux-argument then embodied in a bogeyman. For the appeal of populism to succeed you need an inside-outside enemy, one you can personify concretely then attribute all ills thither, however disparate.

In country after country I heard the same refrain, that Soros used his money to set up foundations and funding sources to uphold the entire community of pro-democracy intellectuals, former dissidents, open-society politicians and the like. The reader might recall how those economies had tanked, mobsters ruled, and a life of ideas seemed a pernicious self-indulgence. Intellectuals lost all function and prestige, especially in Russia. Throughout the region erstwhile communist bosses teamed up with mafiotic businessmen in the attempt to regain power over their countries. Soros’s initiatives stood in their way.

Still, I’ve always admired their relentless efforts in the face of state harassment across the world to fight corruption, government opacity, repression of media and human rights. Those who helped the US win the Cold War with their ideas considered him a hero in the decades after, not least people like Lech Walensa and Vaclav Havel. Their judgment is good enough for me and should be for you. Agree or disagree with his particular spot on the political spectrum, he deserves to be treated with honor.


Let’s give credit where credit is due, it sure seems like this man really cares about mankind!
A Great Man!
God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well
Michael Banker

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