Zombie Laws
Zombie laws: laws made by people with glazed over eyes and one particular motivation in mind such as personal profit, small group profit/advantage, or they have low self esteem and want to feel important, or they need to justify their paycheck...and, they have no consideration of the widespread results or damage/hardship the law, including the pork, may cause to the public they are paid to represent. Especially when they are clueless about the full scope of the situation they are making a law about.
Zombie Police: police who attack non-violent peaceful citizens of their cities, states and country with batons, firearms and chemical weapons because they are told to by their superiors or they just have hate in their hearts for their fellow citizens. Without any regard that the person they are attacking is a fellow citizen and could just as well be their brother, sister, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather etc.
Is That what Democracy looks like?