A Prayer for the U.S. Congress

Dear God,

Thank you for all that we have and all the good we have the opportunity to do.

Please bless all 535 members of the US Congress and help them understand that we as a great nation with great people and they as the duty bound representatives the people of the United States. Are at a historical turning point. Especially considering the removal of “In god we trust” as a feeble tactic to imbue the public with the thought that we are spiritless bags of bones living in a soulless world.

Help Congress know. Now that we seem to have our fingers in the pies of peoples all over the world, that the futures of hundreds of millions of peoples are in their hands to some degree.

Please help them remember that they were not elected to spend their time, evidently, protecting what looks like their personal jobs and their personal fortunes. Whatever would happen, the United States is covered with millions of warm, friendly, honest and caring people. It’s a fine place to live filled with fine people. Plus, the fact is, the history books will state clearly all of the activities of every one of us from this point on.

Please help remind them that even though many of them were indoctrinated or trained to be attorneys. A court is a court, it interprets laws. As a matter of law and duty, they were elected to protect the liberties, safety, security and future of the people of the United States and our nation. To make laws and remove useless unjust laws. Let them know that the world knows they have, as a planned strategy, been surrounded by lobbyists in hopes that they would not be able focus on the monumental issues that are facing our nation and humanity now. And while they are watching one hand of the lobbyists and corporate interests, the other hand is being used to fleece the United States and undermine the justice and security that for centuries millions of people worked and fought to build.

Help them know that now is the time to decide. They can continue to be seen by many in the world as fortune hunting, weak, gregarious average people. Allowing not only the people of the United States to pay for the shenanigans of the selfish and greedy, but leaving even their staff to have to daily rub elbows with some of the most morally bankrupt human beings on our planet.

And no matter what religion they are, or if they do not believe there is a God. One of the important people that played a key role in the dream of and formation of the United States with, liberty and justice for all, Thomas Jefferson, based much of his love of justice on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Please help them understand that this is not about religion. This is not about judgement on them. This is about people who love people and life itself, being turned away at the gates of having a say in their own safety, security and future and the safety, security and futures of their own friends and families. Brilliant, honest, honorable, kind and generous people that number in the multitudes millions who are not affected by the illness of greed or the weakness of gregarious selfishness.

Help them know that there is as a part of that a new young. A young that is, as a result of improvements in our culture, extremely intelligent and have a fresh new integrity, an integrity that has sprouted a deep disdain for companies and governments that permit the legal selling of harmful pharmaceuticals, that lets millions die because they cannot pay for even basic medical care or they choose to die rather than suffer the abuses they get from medical companies collection agencies. That lets the actions of corporate boards and their government friends cause millions to live homeless or on the verge of catastrophe daily. As they hear about, read about or watch on media the beating, abuse of, or shooting of protesters who are only seeking justice or answers. Abuses delivered by police or para-military that are just as frustrated and confused as millions of the rest of us. They, the young, knowing there is no long term security in place for them or their families decide it may be wiser and personally safer to sit on their hands and just exist because, evidently they no longer have any representation in the workplace or the government or control of their futures.

Dear God, please help them take a moment and understand that these things are not the mark of a great society nor the America Dream. And help them remember that the ideals and spirit of liberty and justice that empowered all of the great peoples of the USA to build a great society and nation in less than around 300 years is still alive and well. And available, should they ever decide to shut their doors and shut the gates to the swine who daily bombard the troughs of our State and National Capitals for special favors which have sucked the tit of the USA flaccid.

Thank You Lord


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