Americans vs. Americans


Drama Queens, Drama Kings, troublemakers, liars, cheats and thieves. Aren’t they really all based on someone selling their misery? And let’s not forget those poor souls that are addicted to greed spending their lives honing market trickery, sucking millions of dollars out of our economic system with total disregard as to the social results or consideration of social responsibility.

I remember the racial riots when I was young; standing in a foyer looking over the policemen, at my next door neighbor that I played basketball with almost daily. It was insane, but was also proof that 3rd parties could manipulate us in our small town to hate or fight each other.

Was that a trial run on manipulating the USA?
Because at the same time you could graduate high school, get a job that paid enough to buy a house and raise a family.

What’s different now? And are these things related? Of course remember I am the guy that decades ago wrote the producers of the TV show Dallas asking them why they are teaching greed and mentally ill type behavior to the masses?

New things we now have are very sophisticated system of provocation to force obedience.

As a result of giant corporations bleeding the money out of most areas of our nation while at the same time spending an inordinate amount toward our military industrial complex we have all but bankrupted the judicial system to the point that we need criminal behavior so the bills of cities and counties can be paid. But, of course we can be proud of the fact that we set records in the area of mass warehousing of people in cages.

Then of course is the quality of life issue that it is overall no longer possible to graduate college let alone high school and enjoy life raising children. But assuredly you can sign the papers and become a debt slave owing $100,000+ to some banking institution for the privilege of sitting in a classroom somewhere.

How do they control that? They sell or force upon you hate and fear to keep you busy so they can get what they want. And let’s not forget that in the USA the majority of people would be in big trouble without a paycheck for 30+ days. So, what is our quality of life?

And grandma asked me; “What is the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats?” Isn’t selling fear a sophisticated threat?

All Lives Matter!

God Bless You!
Be Peace





Michael Banker

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