Are You Rich or Brilliant?

Better Beef Up Your Security Thinking.
Because we have so few real leaders and so many people are or are having to choose morally bankrupt lifestyles, you will probably become a target at some time in your life.

Brilliant meaning capable of maybe punking a battery of psychological profile exercises.

One way the world has changed.

As a person the regards the possibility of collateral damage. This is a psyop they could run at your church during worship services. A huge con game run by dishonest church leaders or the new (military style), ones that are hurting us all by demanding that you worship them instead of God.

By the way I am sure there are lots of victims of this domestic terrorism being used against the people of the USA. I started looking at abuses of power involving behavior modification in the 1970’s.

Anyway, ideally first they must get you into a situation similar to what would be ideal for a hypnotist to prepare you to lose control of your mind and actions. Maybe under the guise of to stop smoking, lose weight or even just meditation with or without a chant. Anything to get your mind to set aside cognitive thinking (brainwash). And it can take as little as a few minutes.

Then they try to plant a trigger in your mind, usually related to something emotional. Once that trigger is placed, if successful, they presume they can move your mind away from true reality into a zombie zone any time they want to.

A good example is if they have the resources to build a psychological profile on you. Likes dislikes and especially if there is anything you hate or that they think they can make you hate. So if you are ever up against the despicable evil doers you can mislead them.

Anyway, then they can use senders, people that are trained to send telepathic messages or they may send subliminal messages using a microphone and speakers or a tape recording.

To be successful, what they need more than anything is for you to have no belief system or for you to believe that you are God…..the supreme being.

The organizations that have money or sadistic criminal psychopaths that are funded by taxpayer dollars would also place a look alike or someone similar to someone that they think you hate, (based on the profile they made of you), close to you and they wait for the fireworks. The subject is then supposed to attack verbally or physically the presumed target of their hate resulting in breaking some kind of law so the criminals can get you out of the way to continue ripping off the people of the USA.

If you are a victim of robbery, they are ripping you and your family off. Identity theft would also be included, which is what brought it to my attention when I found out that someone had printed or made a dozen or so military id’s all with my name on them.

Now it’s 40 years later and I have learned just about everything I could about abuses of power and authority in the name of robbery or to even conquer a nation by choosing who runs for office via professional slander and character assassination. One of the first sign is isolation because you are much easier to control if you are isolated. They usually start working your friends and family against you.

My brothers threw me out of the house when I was 15 years old, I slept in a friends bomb shelter for two weeks waiting  for them or my mother to come, no one ever came. So think about it, even if they realize their sadistic cruelty they cannot ever admit it and must character assassinate you forever. But they can just get a job with the government.

Grandpa Byron told me, don’t let them do that to you, but by then I was ready to start my journey seeking wisdom, God and information…so be it. That’s who they are. And it was my first introduction to pathological behavior(s). Not to mention that we recently had racial riots at our high school so I was done with the our incompetent social structures and those that were in charge but had no interest in making things better.

Conspiracy theory…lol…wanna bet you or your family’s life on it? Please also consider the broad spectrum of behavior modification drugs that can be added to your food or even wiped onto a door handle. Do you have a medical school or military base near you…easy to get or make anything.

Please beware of robbers, criminals, racists, bigots. Including those that run around calling others racists…they are selling racism and bigotry.

God Bless You and Yours

Surely God’s goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life, and you will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

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