Are You Scum

Dear God,

When you look at religions worldwide very few actually think of the individual as a low life that needs to bow to a preacher to have a life or feel good about themselves or their lives. The use of guilt and fear are the tools of evil. They have one goal, to get your attention away from your self and your god, your creator so you will serve them sometimes even to some degree of your own self destruction.

Societies and religions that teach their citizens that they are lowlife beings are doing the same as a corrupt government that has run amok and replaces life and living with cruel manipulations and machinations.

God is a God of LOVE that has no interest in you thinking lowly of yourself or anyone else. And there is no entry fee other than you love yourself, your fellow man and the whole world that was created by God. Which is why the most powerful and fulfilling things you can do is help others because you are then helping everyone including yourself with a powerful sense of accomplishment that leads to fulfillment and energy like many have never felt before.


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