Beautiful Planet – The Songbirds

Our planet is a gift to us all and I hope that we someday get civilized enough that more people will be able to enjoy it’s wonders than the few (proportionally) who can now.

One great example is the songbirds. Nature is amazing, including human nature.

For over 50 years, every morning that I could, meaning I wasn’t in a city or busy being beat down by the communist police state or thugs. I sit outside for one to three hours and meditate. A few years ago as the sounds of the songbirds washed through my mind I realized that they would trigger memories of when I was 10 years old doing the same thing or doing my morning paper route. I would sometimes find myself immersed in a symphony of bird songs and memories of my past and my childhood.

What is interesting is that now I am in the same general region as where I was raised and the bird songs are the same birds singing the same songs which seems to result in even more and clearer memories.

Memories of kindness, brotherhood, justice, fairness and all the other things that made our world a great place to wake up to in the morning.

Then came the crazy squirrels, a small group of squirrels that had no conscience or understanding of the results of their actions on others nor the effects that money has on their own mind. They did things like dump chemicals in our air so some of us would die sooner. They dumped chemicals in the lake and then took their own kids swimming in it.

And we all suffer.

Then when feeling guilty or under duress from people that notice what is happening they buy the government regulators or make laws protecting them from justice.

And we all suffer.

Even making laws that said it was OK to use this or that in consumables if only 100 out of ten thousand will die.”body burden”

And we all suffer.

Then they spend their ill gotten gains or profits to destroy anyone that (for the safety of us all and mankind) stands up and makes notice.

And we all suffer.

And the birds sing on….

The Young Deserve Better! We All Deserve Better.

God Bless


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