Capitalistic Genocide “selves destruction”

Please don’t get pissed off, this is not anatgonism. I am a writer, I am supposed to give you information in hopes that you may use it to develop solutions for a better future. The reason I used the three examples I did and left out religious leaders, among others, is that law enforcement, soldiers and people in the medical professions are some that are on the front lines in these situations and at some point in their development they felt an internal drive to save, protect, help and serve humanity.

Genocide is “selves” destruction!


Genocide: What is Genocide:

In our globally connected world any society that hires self serving ego maniac people to government positions of power and authority, like in the past, is especially now genocidal since so many decisions we make affect so many people.

Now that we have the technology, human and monetary resources to solve thousands of humanitarian problems in our own society and globally. Maybe we should dispense with the smokey backrooms and government secrecy.

Their dum bassed small minded games they play because they have not yet realized that you can only spend so much money in a lifetime and all other hording of it is almost criminal and the result of small groups of people that manipulate markets and such so they can get more.

Money was never meant to be property or a tool used to promote slavery: “Money is any object or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a particular country or socio-economic context. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, occasionally in the past, a standard of deferred payment. Any kind of object or verifiable record that fulfills these functions can be considered money.”

And pulling money itself out of an economic cycle, as our oligarchy now does, is the primary reason for the failure of hundreds of societies and deaths of hundreds of millions.

Many will think that the introduction of this thought process is premature and cannot be dealt with for a hundred years. But the sooner we do it the more problems we will solve and lives we will save.

And maybe they are just not aware that the young born today in our modern world have the built in capability to analyze 6 to 12 times more data and information than those of us that were born before computers etc.

Add to that the fact that our country that has justice, human rights and fairness built into our founding documents with the hope of communities and people ruling themselves instead of being ruled by those on high or that are high.

Are we not the best nation to point out that the oligarchy that names itself as now in power and our owner, is very flawed even to the extent of actually enslaving its people with debt of money and forcing the enslavement by not even paying a living wage to workers in our own nation. Thereby terminating the full economic cycle that every society needs to not just survive but to be able to lead happy and safe lives. (As is all of our inalienable right!) While at the same time creating laws and rules to serve themselves resulting in huge gaps in the real economic system.

The people of the nation respond by being forced to build a huge black market in order to have lives that are sustainable. Putting us all at risk especially the young. Complete with sucking the church into their game and indoctrinating church leaders with their madness and lack of love for life.

Stripping people of their inalienable rights, not to mention their dignity, is folly, a quest by fools that is not only genocidal but has always leads to Armageddon type results.

Do we really want an oligarchy to have that kind of power, now that they have proven they are not competent to deliver social responsibility to humankind as they resume to consume and destroy without any thought of the collateral damage they cause in their quest of money or zeros on pieces of paper?

Not to mention their theft(s) from our national treasuries by organized groups under auspice of this or that fear which they purposely trigger in order to bleed us of much needed resources which can be used for the safety and security of the future generations at home and worldwide.

As we read and watch people on the Internet and TV beginning to stand up for what is right and what is in the best interest of all humankind. From citizens that have been lied to by their political or business bosses to holders of important government offices. We are seeing signs that the world is fed up with incompetence, corruption and the millions of lives that are wasted every year as a result.

Lucky for us all, the quest for justice as a chosen path is growing.

The ice has been broken at a cost that most people will never know. At this point we can be thankful and push forward to build the kind of planet that serves humanity and our home…the earth.

I remember 40+ years ago when I asked my parent and grand parents why they worked so hard in those filthy factories and fields? They always replied “We want to make better lives for you, your children and America.” Many of their generations died totally confused and ashamed of what the USA had become. And that not only had they been lied to by their government but they had also allowed creepy psychopaths pretty much trick them out of all the wealth that had been created by themselves and previous generations.

Watching those that stand up and say Wait A Minute we are tired of getting ripped off and the fact that I have been in the technology field for 20 years I am optimistic about the future and amazed at the integrity and “no bullshit” attitude of our phenominally brilliant young!

Suicide is genocide. In the USA suicide is now the 10th in the top 10 causes of death in the USA

Aside from the obvious psychologically related suicides that are related to mental illness — or maybe not.

Suicide is about quality of life in your society. Or maybe a persons inability to deliver on their inner need to give a positive contribution to society. One area that has been known to have an unusual number of suicides is law enforcement.

Proud to be an American – Federal militia unit sent to terrorize farmers in Nevada…. VIDEO REMOVED!

Let’s look at that for a moment before we go the the new biggy. We started out with Sheriffs that were in charge of the public peace, sheriff’s and their deputies were our friends unless you were a ne’er do well, murderer or criminal of sort that prevented us from enjoying our pursuit of happiness during our lifetimes. Then the social controllers, wall street, introduced the po-lice FORCE to keep society obedient. Notice the degradation they even included in their title.

Then they force them, if they want to keep their jobs, to beat down even peaceful protesters who are making notice that millions of people are hurting as a result of our wall street masters need for Yachts and fast cars.

Video below: The courts gave Scott Olson $4,500,000 for the damage he received as a result of his peaceful protests. (there are more videos than this but they want you to sign in to see them).

My point being that the police unnecessarily end up in the middle of dangerous situations as a direct result of financial inequality or the robbery of or attempted intimidation or lockdown of a society.

The next important area is soldiers. Despite the fact that war is a racket, more here, the way we treat our soldiers during and after what they are told is “Dutiful Service to Our Nation” is a disgrace. Suicide among veterans is skyrocketing. (more on soldiers and the Department of Death in another article)

Now lets look at a related issue that is all but ignored in our society but may be why “Medical professionals are all Practicing”

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Think about it, the greatest medical systems and advancements in the world and we still trick them into calling themselves practicing.

When I seen a Doctor or EMT save someones life I don’t see anything practice about it.

And, they are caught in the same money trap or money trust rules, for instance most people do not know that about 800,000 people a year die as a result of bad prescriptions or mis-diagnosis. Did you ever wonder how can so many caring brilliant people be screwing up that bad? Maybe it’s because they are only allowed to give “politically correct approved treatments” since wall street controls the cures!

Those are just a few examples that I hope may lead the thinkers in our world to look at and maybe start working on solutions.

If any other group or segment of society or the world was responsible or related to so many deaths there would be an uproar. But since bureaucracy is by nature fear based, the money people will continue to make up stories and rake in the money just like the war mongers do.

If I was going to work in this particular area for research I would also add this silly fact. Wall street and the IRS work hand in hand. If you own a strip mall it is financially, by law, better for you to raise your rent so high that the small businesses will close and move out, terminating jobs and cultural connections, than it is for them to set a fair rent. The tax write off is actually better than being able to use the space for benefit of the local community.

So it really looks like wall street has replaced LIFE with MONEY.

Imagine that, and now the churches, which were sucked into the money game, and were also forgetting about life, are starting to revisit: “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

Which may be why the money trust and/or wall street is removing religion from schools and government entities. Most religions teach the same thing, in Christianity Jesus teaches Justice and Mutual Caring! Not take everything you can from everyone you can.

Removing justice from courts will help promote money based laws instead of common law laws, which are laws made in the best interest of humanity and for the safety, security and longevity of humanity. Making money the rule of law and ignoring the collateral damage, genocide and deaths that are being caused so that a few can collect zeros is a crime in common law not to mention that it is behavior that is related to mental illness.

And yes I know that the more people that get hurt the higher the GNP grows causing growth so that the banks can add more interest to more notes. Duh, like war.

But wait, you may say, what about our good friends like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet? Hmmm I don’t know, maybe they haven’t figured out that the power they should have, (like Bill Gates who’s windows programs empowered many millions of people), is removed from them the minute they dump their cash (and power) into the banks. A con game. Instead of dumping their cash back into the very society that helped them have their richness or zeros.

Let’s get off the hamster wheel of hell and get back to living life as life – not money.

God Bless You and All You Love,

Rev. Michael Banker

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