Changing the Focus from Money to “People and Quality of Life”

Become a hero!

become-a-hero BECOME A HERO! There are 168 hours in a week. How much time are you spending to insure the safe and honest management of our government and ecology?

Civility is paramount, citizenship is necessary to have the society you want.

For the first time in decades the young of our nation and the world have very few options of safety and security in their future.

That is not the mark of a great society or even a civilized society.

We think there are better options and that is what we are doing. Exploring our options.

The money sect has tricked us and pushed us closer to the brink of extinction than we have ever been, from the futures of our citizens to the Not Reparable damage done to our planet.

Maybe the super rich don’t care. We don’t believe that, we think they are being buried with flawed data and information given to them by the opportunistic that want to monetize solutions for huge financial gain.

You cannot save a dying person by throwing money on them, you cannot save a starving person or a person dying of thirst by feeding them money.

The government and their corporate cronies have proven that humanitarian based solutions and solutions based on common needs and civility are all but non-existent in their environment. So again my friends it is going to be up to us “THE PEOPLE” to decide our fate.

For our lives and futures to be better we must make some changes, it is inevitable. Why not help us start now?

God Bless You!
Be Peace




Michael Banker

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