Christmas 2013

WOW Christmas and New Year’s 2013 was the first year since 9/11 that I had Christmas and New Years with other people.

Why? Maybe I am on “The List” and now a target of the real corrupt.

Well I did take the time to think back and realize where the time went and what must have been obsessing me. We all make silly choices sometimes but this was a duty because the thing I love most in this world is the USA and the wonderful changes that we as the people of the USA and as a country, in the past, had brought to the world. Including Justice and Hope.

Overall a great optimism had been wired into us for decades or centuries. Now we are under fire by the most sophisticated and dangerous mindset ever known to mankind. And they are making the USA look bad worldwide.

First I need to pay the light bill.

In the mean time though, if you are doing something great or for any reason are collecting money via the Internet. You may want to learn how to run a trace route on your website domain names and see if you have been targeted by the evil ones.

Otherwise you may never get paid! And never know it!

Type traceroute into a search engine and learn how to do it. It will give you a clue as to who may be interrupting you. They hate truth because ignorance is their stock in trade so they can cause the deterioration of human kind. HAHA – as they plead ignorance all along the way.

Vote Them Out

Run for office yourself.

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