Clear and Present Danger Revisited

April 25, 2017

Clear and Present Danger Revisited

The obligation of making sure a society, ours, is safe and secure so we can enjoy our lives and pursue happiness. Is an obligation we all share.

When countries like China or Korea offer a peace treaty so to speak that would result in a stopping of nuclear weapons building and a superior(sic) country denies them even the ability to make that offer.

A new clear and present danger surfaces.

A glimmer of a reality where a few people that profit from making bombs build huge and powerful organizations to promote things that will eventually harm our own people including getting our own and other innocent people killed for their profit (yachts, mansions etc.).

Image brutality of our species

Do you think this type of people are doing it because they are starving, homeless or have some other type of urgent need?


They are doing it because we, all of us, mean nothing to them! Life means nothing to them! If innocent people die from bombs or from stealing social monies for bomb making they don’t care. To them we are little more that plastic pieces on a board game. They are psychopaths without any regard or caring for the collateral damage their actions cause.

Whether it is war or dealing with the fact that they are destroying the beautiful garden that we call a planet. It is time for mankind to choose and promote leaders that consider every life and every people important rather that the gang that has underhandedly snuck their hands inside the drawers of the United States Treasury of the people of the United States.

We as a nation, now that we have a president that understands more than just having meetings about taking this from these people and giving that to those people. With a businessman president we have an opportunity to reinstall real value to all of our dealings from Main Street to Wall Street.

Especially now that we know greed is a mental illness and that the “Greed is Good” heyday, with its valueless or fundamentally corrupt business dealings is over. Including those insane super deals that had absolutely no social responsibility attached.


Making America Great Again is not just a slogan. It is an opportunity to bring back reasonable rational behavior including objective cooperation in business dealings that have a huge effect on the public and our society.

To replace a mindset that comes from a perspective that we are all predators and must prey on each other as a social norm. A perspective that we have been warned about since as far back as Sun Tzu. Where the general warned us about the result to a society that spends too much on war and other associated activities that end up many times being just unaccountable expenditures.

While we watch millions of people suffer and our infrastructure which we paid for many times over, crumble and with all our wealth we have even decided that the pain and suffering of so many of our own kind is now considered and acceptable loss!

We should be ashamed of ourselves.

Are We Civilized Yet?

praying girl

God Bless America
Michael Banker

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