Do You Want Power

Getting off the hamster wheel!


family on hamster wheel man on hamster wheel

Give yourself one seventh 1/7th.

Yea I know everyone wants you to give.
I use money because it is sustenance, the key to the necessities of life.
Federal Taxes 24-3?%
State Taxes 7-12%
Property Taxes up to 32%
Sales Taxes up to 22%
Income taxes 22%
Auto Insurance Taxes, now Medical Insurance Taxes, Hotel Taxes, Restaurant Taxes and the hidden taxes on taxes maybe what Europe calls the Vat tax.
On and on……
And after all many have to even pay for public school book rental and photocopies from city hall or government organizations.
And since we really can never find out where those taxes go it makes many people even more willing to give up and become zombies. Not to mention the corrosiveness that results when we try and find out.
Add that to the reality slowly seeping into your mind that everything you do is just a conditioned response instead of you being an actual person and freewill participant in the excitement of life.

For this article it doesn’t matter who or why, what does matter is that you have a choice.

The way the world and most societies are now designed is the now obviously destructive monkey see monkey do mentality of worshiping money.

As you read that you may actually try to lie and deny, but what do you spend most of your time doing? Chasing a God or chasing money? Helping people and the world or chasing money with rest time between your time(s) spent chasing money?

That is what we are taught that is what we via peer pressure or force are allowed to do.

What is much more valuable than money, cannot be replaced once spent and never changes once passed?


Of the valuable wisdom that we can garner from religious thinkers one is that we need to give ourselves 1/7th of every week, every month, every year and of our lives.

Meaning rest from the onslaught of the nutcases that spend their lives trying to influence our control our lives. More times than we want to admit…forcefully. Be it through trickery or extortion the fact remains the same. They are lazy and criminally inclined to prey on you.

Don’t give up! Just shift your own attention away from the noise and the predators.

This I learned from experience. No matter how dangerous or tantalizing whatever I was investigating was there is always a way out.

Unplug, give yourself at least one day out of every week to be who you humanly are. Unplugging from the hysteria will cause a growth and power that many people have never experienced or have been tricked into ignoring.

1st, learn to meditate. Meditation comes in whatever form works for you. Sitting in the Lotus position works for many but sitting by a lake, ocean or even in the woods can work just as well.

Meditation grows brain cells and creates now original thoughts.
Meditation opens doors in your mind.
Meditation creates peace that can help promote clarity.
Meditation makes you healthier.
Meditation closes the gaps between the mind, heart and soul better facilitating or allowing a connection to the spirit sometimes called the holy spirit.
Prayer is meditation.

2nd to reinforce your new found clarity and intelligence and to rejoin humanity instead of just being a reactor or regurgitater of someone else’s reality. Contact acquaintances, old friends, call family or better yet get up and take them a cake, some flowers or anything else to let them know that they are important to your life. In most cases you will be very surprised and satisfied to find out that they like you too which creates a synergy that makes us all happier. Not to mention it can reinforce who you really are instead of who someone else is telling you you are.

There is phenomenal power inside you and it is the only path to real freedom!
Of course, excuse me, I am the guy that stood up in the 3rd grade and asked the teacher why she wanted to hurt people by telling them that they will only use 10% of their capabilities.

God Bless You!




Michael Banker

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