Don’t Let Go of GOD!

Sidestepping Cults and Ego Maniacs in Churches
Praying Child
“we know that for those who love God all things work together for good”

I have yet to find someone that can give the definitive answer to the question “Who’s God, or Which God”, only God knows that answer and none of us are God and those that want to force us into their reality think that they are God.

So I am not going to waste time debating with your ego which religion is true.

But, please do us all a favor and respect everyone their choice.

My perspective after being fortunate enough to have lived with many different peoples and experienced their religions is that “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good” Whichever God.

If you are uncomfortable with your churches use of AUTHORITY, be assured that it is not God given authority! It is usually just part of that particular churches doctrine unless the Minister or Church leaders are nutcases who they themselves don’t know God.

In God We Trust
These are interesting times, as part of the tug of war for our hearts or our minds. In the 1950’s “In God We Trust” was again added to our money to remind us that communism, atheism and bestiality have common bonds that are contrary to what the United States is all about.

Because most religions demand some form of justice and common mutual caring a communists move to consolidate power away from the people and to do so they need the atheists to help them remove justice from our daily lives. Even though the number of atheists that I have known who look for or talk to God when they get very old far outnumber those that choose the perspective that we are just hairy little beasts.

You are born with the option of emulating God and goodness. When we give a gift to someone it usually feels great. When we help someone it feels great, or used to until we were brainwashed with greed and consumerism. When we do something that helps others we feel great. That I think is God smiling inside us.

Most people know that God is always with us but many just stuff God in a pocket like a wallet and only bring it out when they need something. Be careful with that, just as with money from our wallet our supply of God can also shrink if we don’t take steps to replenish the love and power of God inside us.

We are entering times that will usher in great things and great deeds. You are a part of it all and if you choose so you can be as big a part of it as you would like.

To do so you would do well to get some facts to help you understand where we are standing now. What happened and why it happened. We don’t need to wait for 50 years like they made us do to sort of find out who killed our President John Kennedy.

We are not the ignorant masses, if we were the money changers would not have found it necessary to control our main stream media. And that is just one huge issue that we will be dealing with in the near future, if for no other reason than that the rest of the world now thinks we are idiots to let the rich and the ignorant in our government do the insane things they have done.

How will we get the power to help us make those changes? The power is already inside us, God or as some say we are Christed Beings with the light of truth, justice and fairness built in.
jesus is love
Holding on to God
In my over 40 year journey to find God I can assure you that Love and God is without a doubt the most powerful and giving force on our planet. Not only that but Love and God are pretty much automatic and many more times than not, as soon as you start giving Love you will start getting love exponentially. Which empowers you to withstand and overcome evil, evil things or situations.

Your relationship with God is a private relationship between you and God.s

There are none worthy to judge you walking on this planet, but you can easily come across egocentric narcissists that usually have low self esteem and no real relationship with God, those may try and force their weak reality on you. Just smile and think about the Loving God!

And as far as, should you stop people from doing bad things that hurt others? Of course you should, but keep in mind to be careful because the removal of God and justice from our Judicial System and courtrooms was done to protect the evil and beastly. Just as mass incarceration is caused by incompetence and laziness. We have a lot of work to do now, and we have more than enough intellect and technology to get us through it.

Just sidestep getting into ignorant arguments with ignorant people for ignorant reasons, if you pray and get Gods help you already have the best answer and it will be easier to show others the goal and get help on the path to achieve the goal.

We have allowed them to show us all they have, now it’s time to take it all back and create reasonable and rational societies.

Don’t worry about things like Michael The Archangel or that Jesus says we must fight injustice. That is a higher level that you will earn automatically through prayer and talking with God if you are chosen. You will know when you are called to duty. And if you have prepared yourself through prayer and by following a path of righteousness it will all be very easy to deal with.

And never underestimate the power of serving others. Besides the sense of self worth that we get by helping others I am always amazed by the story of Bill Gates and Crew. Results of his service to us, wealth like never seen before. He empowered tens of millions of people with just one product Windows, but he bundled software programs: accounting, writing, composing, record keeping and more into that product. Enabling millions to have better control of their lives and future. He should have gotten a national award for all the people he empowered. What did the government do? If I remember right they “summoned” him to Washington DC to remind him that no matter how much good he did they were still in charge! The people and free market system made him maybe the richest man in the world.

I wonder if he will ever get a reward for giving us all so much power and freedom instead of just for making money?

Great things await you.

Please don’t let go of God, you will be rewarded and empowered.

God Bless

God is Love

Reverend Michael Banker

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