
Capitol BuildingIn an a democracy government is supposed to protect the people in the society from harmful people, organizations and any other human threat.

Historically government by it’s nature usually ends up being a parasitic organization that lives off of the labor of the people. Usually when it becomes corrupt beyond repair democide begins and the country fails.

In a democratic republic like the U.S.A. the government is an administrative body that is in charge of administering and exercising, fairly, honestly and justly, the aspects in our society that fall under the umbrella of “In the Public Interest and For the Public Good”, including, supposedly, protection from organizations that prey on us and our society.

Either as a part of sophisticated indoctrination or as a result of preference of people that have a mental need, illness, for power, control or preferential treatment.

Many people presume or have come to assume that government is an owned controlling entity.

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