Money Control

How much money does a person need for a lifetime?

Are we in danger of Queen or King making?

Since beyond a certain amount, like $100,000,000, what real value does the money have to any one individual?

We wouldn’t let one person hold all the wheat, why do we let them hold so much money?

Over a certain amount there is no real value, but there is a huge threat in the results of unmanageably or inability of governance as a result of dishonest behavior or illegal manipulation of the facts.

The proof is in the pudding. Because we as a people and a society did not manage and govern our monetary systems realistically, civilly and at the national level the USA has in a very short period of time went from a nation trusted for justice and civility to a a nation of justifying murder to compensate for our incompetence and indecisiveness. For our allowance of a few criminals to prey on us with illegal manipulation of our financial systems putting all of mankind in jeopardy.

Which did then result in a widespread moral bankruptcy, that we have yet to decide how to deal with, reversing the evolution of our kind, Unless we have decided not to deal with it and to let the destruction of our entire planet continue at the hands of a few self serving criminals or mentally ill incompetent baboons.

Do you think we should set limits on money and how much a group or person can have or control?

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