Net Neutrality

Senate Vote to reinstate Net Neutrality Rules that were trying to be dissolved by GREED! Get ready boys and girls this is the first decider of the midterm elections woohoo
And further proof of how out of step Washington or in this case the GOP is with the people of the USA and the world.
I thought we pay them to protect us?
Soon they may charge us to breath!

Net Neutrality reinstatement vote:

Reinstate Net Neutrality to protect us all!

backed by all 49 Democrats and Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and John Kennedy of Louisiana


Turn the Internet over to the lawyers and accountants!

The Rest of them all GOP.

Hmmmmmmm interesting stuff: Some History: Republican party founded by anti-slavery activists, economic modernizers. The GOP’s political platform supports lower taxes, free market capitalism, free enterprise, a strong national defense, gun rights, deregulation and restrictions on labor unions.




In a Communist, Socialist or Terrorist Police State.
If after they pillage you they can’t abuse power or character assassinate you.
They may put your phone and Internet access on a Virtual Private Network, where you just think you are getting out to the public. 🙁 Barbaric Destructive Ignorance

Since the same type of people that don’t want net neutrality are the ones that are responsible for 500,000 tons of pollutants daily going into the waterways. Why don’t we dump all of those pollutants onto their houses and give them something to do and think about. Rather than spending their time trying to do any more damage to the people of the US or mankind all in the name of GREED which is a mental illness.
Repealing Net Neutrality would cause irreparable harm to millions of people now and in the future…PERIOD!Are you sure you want to continue letting them control you? Or our children?

God Bless
Michael Banker an American

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