Republicans Break the Balance of Power

Is this the end of the Grand Ole Party and or our Republic?

The party that started as the anti corruption party with ideology of “free labor (independent business and businessmen), free land (anti monopoly) and free men (anti slavery) seems to be running for cover?

This being a most perfect and opportune time for the Republican party to redefine and reaffirm itself as the reasonable, rational party for all of the people in the USA, making it shine again worldwide as a beacon of hope for our nation, why are Republican leaders backing out and hiding?

Introducing the Corprocrat – a public official who’s only interest is self interest and personal gain that can be had by siding with the huge corporations that have basically rewritten or undermined many of the business associated laws of our nation for corporate advantage, free money without offering any product or service or just for personal gain.

Why are they making the USA a one party system? Are they waiting to be paid? Don’t they get salaries and great benefits?

Are they afraid or do they think that Trump and Hillary’s long acquaintance is suspect to Trump being a spoiler?

Or are they Corprocrats, only answering to large corporations and their quest for capital? Only 64 house Republicans signed a letter asking the IRS, FBI and Federal Trade Commission to investigate the Clinton Foundation. Is the two party system gone or are they afraid of Bernie Sanders?

They need to tell the people of the United States why the Politicians of the GOP are having a problem supporting our candidate!

Is it because Donald Trump has a problem being pushed around and compromised by political trickery?

Or are you jealous because he has been in the trenches of American Free Enterprise and knows more about how it really works than most other people?

For instance; Bankruptcy is American Law and he played by the rules we all agreed to, made some miscalculations and used Bankruptcy to recover rather than melt down, that’s what it’s there for. I don’t agree with it but those are the rules.

Crazy? Did you know that many small claims courts now charge 8% for cases that usually involve one party that is already broke. Lol, are we all nuts or are we all trying to be banks now?

Is this behavior being copied from Washington DC?

As an tradesman with some construction and business background I am amazed he accomplished what he did under the current Free Enterprise Ending nonsensical Bureaucratic environment.

How do you rewrite an electrical code without any seasoned electricians on the board? Yep, that’s how bad it sometimes is.

Do you not trust Donald Trump? Ego to big? A strategy that worked quite well for both him and his managers to get around some of the dangerous dipsh*ts he had to deal with at his level.

Are going to next outlaw self confidence?

Or are you afraid because he comes from an arena that considers professional politicians and backstabbing bullsh*t artists as problematic people that are eroding our freedoms and greatness? People that businessmen and women who actually offer a product or service for financial and personal gain try to steer away from.

Do you think his ego or self confidence will hurt us?

I don’t, as a matter of fact if you look at his accomplishments, that same ego could easily drive him to be one of the most productive presidents we have ever had at a time when we need one desperately.

And please also consider that his ego and as a patriot, I doubt he would want his legacy to be one of failure and hurting people.

Because it means that he loves the USA all the way to the very spirit of no king, no monarchy and letting the people decide what we want instead of being dictated to like we have been for almost the last 100 years.

Are you that uneasy by the void created by the currently ending RNC money trust and spy network regime that believed that the people of the USA are too stupid to rule themselves?

Is it because so many politicians have started believing their own bullshit and have totally forgotten their oath and responsibility to the people of the USA, or that they have forgotten the people of the USA altogether?

Or are the older guys starting to feel the burn of the truths that were kept secret for decades coming out daily to hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

What is the problem?

To both parties, sorry the anti-patriot act didn’t work out so well for you.

Lucky for us all, safeguards were already in place that sought to prevent people that commit huge crimes against the people of the USA from hiding them or getting away with it.

And consider that we could easily retrofit the DHS and TSA to stop harassing decent folks that are already having a hard enough time with their 2 – 3 or 4 jobs just to make ends meet.

Or are you ON THE LIST????? LOL

I am a capitalist, not the greedy selfish kind that preys on people in society but the kind that knows if we remove the corruption we will be able to get back on track and start moving our global status upward by setting brilliant examples again instead of the same old harmful crap and moving the USA further down the scale.

Fact is Hillary Clinton is just one hard working person. And Clinton Inc. has built a pretty impressive empire considering that they don’t produce any products or services. But, if you watch her closely she seems to be starting to show signs of WTF and is maybe realizing that she has made some very bad deals with some very bad people. That is their cross to bear. The damage to the DNC is the proof in the pudding.

Are we going to let a small group of people cause the same result to the RNC?

We have all been victims of the new strain of sadistic psychopathic and mentally ill foreign and domestic owned middlemen and woman that are wondering around Wall Street and Washington DC. And it is somewhat obvious to the people of the USA that many of you are no match for those underhanded parasites which are driving the USA in a downward spiral.

But either way, please make up your mind because as the public’s reality that the work done and great wealth that was created by their great, great, great grandparents, their great, great grandparents, their great grandparents, their grandparents and the hundreds of millions of other hard working and honest decent Americans has been mismanaged, stolen or just pissed away by our politicians who live or lived like kings and are or were paid very well all along the way.

The people are at their wits end.

Wouldn’t now be a great time for the Republican party to consider a nationalist slant and make it illegal for US citizens and politicians to accept any monies personally in trade for services rendered or to be rendered by the government or people of the USA including our warriors!

And since isolationism is pretty much impossible now, why nor focus on how to make our own nation great again?

Surely God’s goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life, and may you dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

God Bless,

Michael Banker

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