Talking World War III

Why would we have a war when in 10 or 15 years we would be right where we are standing now. (except for those that die)
Better to get rid of the worthless and mentally ill on Wall Street and in Washington D.C. whose example is spreading and making lives insane.
Instead of world war 3 why don’t we try letting all the pot smokers and pot dealers out of jail. Make hemp legal. And put all the morally bankrupt in jail.
Then watch what happens when the people of the USA get to do what they want to do instead of what we are dictated to do.
Do you know why you get a ticket for not wearing a seat belt? Because the profits for auto insurance companies are higher if you wear seat belts!
Also since, according to those that have made themselves our rulers, the people of the USA are evidently very stupid: Obedience training and induce fear.

God Bless

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