The Ear Bud

I had a dream last night that while I was walking through town and inside the mall. Peeking inside of offices and such all along the way.

And I noticed that everyone was wearing ear buds. What are these things that everyone is wiring into their ears and brain. Do they hear the birds? Do they hear the subtle nuances of our natural lives? Or is this another reminder of George Orwell and the story 1984?

Who is sending information into these people’s brains? What is so important that people are now choosing to ignore their real live natural environment to listen to manufactured noise?

What is so important that we ignore our neighbors, friends, family and the many beautiful noises that nature and our environment sends us almost on a per minute basis to remind us who we are, where we are and who is around us.

Why have we chosen to ignore each other of similar like, kind and species instead to have manufactured noise pumped into our brains. What will be the result? Are we already Pavlov’s Dogs?

Is this the result of centuries of trying to build better societies and a better world? What has happened to cause so many people to disengage?

Or is this retro in that we are moving back to 400AD where the masses, in order to survive, did what they were told by the kings? The new kings being corporations, the super rich and wayward governments with unlimited credit and wealth.

Or has the media’s selling of fear finally taken its toll and people are so afraid that they no longer engage with other people or even nature unless they have to…..

What’s next, industrially manufactured foods that dictate our lifespan?


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