The Pope – Catholic Church Chime In

July 13, 2015

Let’s Look at the Past in the USA

Greed or Ignorance YOU Decide

First I must admit that reading and digesting the ENCYCLICAL LETTER OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS click here to read it was a challenging task, if for no other reason than the language was not that of a bureaucracy whose agenda is money or power. I was more than amazed at the breadth and scope. Which results in my belief that they or he cares deeply about our planet and humankind as children of God.

Or read it here:

And that I am in no way worth of commenting on anything contained in the Catholic Churches Public Announcement. They have over 1.2 Billion members and positively touch the lives of millions of people DAILY.

So I would rather move on with a different perspective.

December 1970 was a very important month in the USA. Not to mention that the President then also had initiated detente with the Soviet Union and opened diplomatic relations with China. Richard M. Nixon; Politics forced him to later resign.

With the hopes of protecting our planet and the people that live on it, in December of 1970 the people of the United States rolled out the EPA, United States Environmental Protection Agency and OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Result! Because I grew up in a manufacturing center of a major auto manufacturer I can make a long story short. By 1975 families were splintering, shattering and jobs were gone.

If you tie these facts in with the fact that greed and selfishness are mental illnesses resulting in organizations trying to sell us that destruction of our planet for profit is a good thing you may be able to help humanity in designing a better path than the one that is threatening life on our planet.

Money as a valuable has been used to facilitate exchange for thousands of years. But the hijacking of our economic system methods means and rules by psychopathic, ecotistical narcissists because in their ignorance or delusion they deem themselves more worthy of safety and security than the rest of us primarily resulting in 150,000 DEATHS PER DAY! Not to mention our quality of life and the destruction to our planet.

AND we are not number 1 anymore!

Be Peace

Good Luck

God Bless

Michael Banker

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