The Supreme Court is NOT a Team Sport

Updated 1:15pm 9/28/2018
The Supreme Court is supposed to be our ultimate impartial, reasonable, rational and objective evaluator of our laws. Not us vs. them.

Too far ahead of the sheep and surrounded by Thugs!
Homeless and Stranded Please Donate.

Watching the hearings leading up to the vote of Brett Kavanaugh to the supreme court. I realized that aside from today’s or this events handy dandy entertainment of the day. What many people don’t realize and that should stand at the forefront is that in 5 or 10 years I doubt if any of the people voting will be in the US Congress. As a matter of fact most people in the Congress will not be there, but they will still be getting paid.

So the question is, is the nomination the best for the coming generation(s), the future of our nation or is it a nomination for the current administration. Not forgetting that the biggest problem with our congress in 2018 is Congressmen and Women being bullied by lobbyists, not by who is sitting on the Supreme Court.

Many of the people complaining are complaining only because Brett Kavanaugh is a long time insider. With the people(s) current quest to empty the swamp and bring more fairness and justice to our government voting an insider to the Supreme Court seems contrary to those goals. Or same dung different day.

The United States Government is NOT a business!

The purpose of our government is to administer the services of our government to the people of the United States and to protect the people of the United States from any groups or power bases that seek to take advantage of our people.

A very good example of that in the last couple of years is the lifting of the American Spirit or spirit of the people by President Donald Trump in his quashing of political correctness and a removal of national guilt caused by opportunists and con artists seeking unfair advantage or financial gain.

The Proof in the Pudding

It wasn’t that long ago that the financial masters of Wall Street convinced US Colleges to run like businesses rather that institutions of learning and higher education. What was the result? Financial hardship for most, financial gain for few, a disconnect between students and faculty and our young looking at communism, socialism and Marxism for relief. Not to mention moral bankruptcy or becoming criminals to survive.

We caused it!

Do we really want to be governed by a business and all be slaves to that business.

God Bless the USA,
Michael Banker

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