Ut Oh It’s That Scary Brexit Thing Again

I know, it’s none of my business because I am in the USA. But I have met many people from Europe and supposedly my bloodline is mostly from the UK and Europe.
And there is some common ground in the argument whether we need to hire huge groups of managers to manage forced globalization vs. the natural globalization that is already happening.
Even though Imperialism hasn’t worked out well in some regards for the UK or the USA.
Much of the bad results, sometimes despicable, can be lain on personal pompous arrogance of a few maligned or self serving individuals. But let’s not forget that there we also some great benefits like plumbing, electricity and missionaries for many countries to the degree that their people would soon try to migrate to the Imperialist nations to seek happier safer lives. So even amid all the abuses their civilizations did seem to be upgraded.
The UK pretty much conquered the world and now all of a sudden they cannot even manage their own affairs? Hmmm interesting stuff.
Not to mention the cost of the new and improved management of their affairs being hundreds of millions or billions of Euros or Pounds.
So what are we really talking about? Isn’t it really just forced globalization vs. natural globalization which is already in place.
Isn’t it just government without wisdom or humanity because they have removed Sages and Priests or Pastors from the management circle?

The USA is having similar issues, for those that take the time to find truthful recent history it is almost surreal watching government meetings. Watching legislators biting their tongues or skirting important issues.

As the people of the United States are starting to pay attention and investigating by the millions they are deciding things like this.

Congress Makes Our Laws

2016 Contributions

Influence & Lobbying/Interest Groups

Finance/Insurance/Real Estate/ $1,139,176,253

Ideology/Single-Issue/ $512,990,321

Other/ $712,677,963

Misc. Business/ $497,286,060

Health/ $285,377,961


What are they buying? Congress makes our laws! What are they buying?

I am standing on a corner to cross the street someone is waiting behind me.

It takes me 1 second to look to see if it is safe to cross the street or not.

Congress is standing on a corner to cross the street and we are waiting behind them.

How much will it cost for Congress to see if it is safe to cross the street or not.

People may suffer, die, go bankrupt waiting for someone to pony up the cash?

Are we selling laws? Are we selling Justice?

Dangerous times.

At what point does what is in the best interest of the people of the USA intersect with the billions of dollars above?

Are we out of our minds?

A child is hanging off a cliff. There are two groups watching the child hanging there.

Both groups have ropes and without regard as to the quality of the ropes or which rope will be better for the child each starts piling money up in front of their group.

The child is still hanging there.

Whichever group has the tallest stack of money gets to use their rope.

The child is still hanging there.

But wait, riders are added to the contest.

The child is still hanging there.

Group A wants all toilet paper sold in plain brown wrappers.

Group B wants all toilet paper to have their official stamp of approval for use on it.

So now the new law argument will be not only which groups rope to use and but also how toilet paper should be packaged.

The debates begin.

The child is still hanging there.

Really though, what are we buying with payments to our legislature? Are we BUYING LAWS? Without regard as to what is in the best interest of the people of the USA?

Maybe we in the USA already have a management body that makes all our rules for us like the EU does for its members?

Have companies become so inept that they need to make laws to survive rather than offer products and services? Are the trading laws between each other for preferential treatment?

Why does it cost so much money to decide what is in the best interest of the people of the USA.

Are the people of our nation even being considered?

OR how about this.

Gertrude Appleplumb inherits One Billion Dollars.

She donates all of it to force people to spray paint their heads purple.

Hmmm will we all end up with purple heads?

Simple and silly?

Now please also consider this.

Have we solved homelessness? Healthcare created bankruptcies?  On and on…

Who are these people that are now managing(sic) the people of Europe’s lives?

Whatever the case, don’t let people buy laws and preferential treatment…that is not the definition of government.

How many lives will have to be destroyed by results like the Financial crisis of 2007–2008?

If the people are going to be responsible for rewarding some companies and industries for failure then lets do it for all industries.

Of course I don’t know much about the EU but I know that governing bodies need to start considering peoples quality of life and lives.

God Be With You on Brexit!

God Bless and Good Luck

Michael Banker

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