We Are Not Number #1 Anymore

The Results
We are not number one anymore.

May 19, 2015

All in about 50 years.
1963 to 2013

As if once the evil ones figured out that they could kill our elected president and our government did not tell us who and why.

We went from a nation where people treated each other with a form of brotherly civility and national fiscal responsibility.

To a nation with a corporatized government, dehumanization, mass incarceration and nonsensical national debt.


Creating a dog eat dog mentality.

( Like a curse? Or was that the sound of America ashamedly quietly turning its back on its own government resulting in predatorily practices both ways.
On one side a gradual deterioration of the desire or willingness to participate in societies civic and brotherly responsibilities from voting to paying taxes to include the pillaging or our national treasury. Taxation without representation.
To legislatures becoming fear based ending up with police state perspectives instead of perspectives of gathering the real information and understanding necessary to fairly administrate a nation. Because they still cannot figure out what happened to the “HEART” of America and choose to spend their time looking under every bed and rock for an enemy. Sometimes even creating them.)


Then we started attacking each other (courts, business, politics, bigotry etc.)
and the predators had a field day!

What were we thinking?

were not number 1

Be Peace
Good Luck
God Bless

Michael Banker

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