Who’s Watching Me?

July 15, 2019

God and Country Would Jesus Do This?
Are You Safe? Electronic Media

The question is why did the software authors for your computer and cellphone cameras and microphones make YOUR computer and cellphone cameras and microphones accessible to third parties?

What is that mindset?

Is it the fear based control freak segment of society that bought into the war indoctrination and destructiveness, destroying lives, and even countries for profit!

Or is it just people that can’t achieve so they steal?

Or is it just schizophrenics, psychopaths or any other of a number of perverts that we built into our society?

Here is just one article that considers that your child’s computer can be accessed by perverts or your business or projects can be stolen by thieves.


Whether to protect your family, business or projects that will be stolen by losers or self appointed masters of the universe.

Please protect yourself.

God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well.

Reverend Michael Banker

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