Are You Awake?

Are you woke, do you realize we are entering an age that, “Are we going to prevent the extinction of the human species as we know it?” is a real question that must be dealt with?
Too Late
1. The people of the United States that know the truth don’t want Julian Assange hiding in fear of his life from our government, why is he?
2. The people of the United States that know the truth don’t want us dropping bombs across the world, why are we?
3. There are technologies that are being developed that will cause the end of the human race as we know it, why are we doing that?
4. Mass Incarceration is caused by a set of what can easily be likened to Communist – Marxist Laws that are designed primarily to enforce obedience rather than to protect and serve the people of the USA while at the same time allowing us the right to pursue whatever we consider happiness as long as it doesn’t harm or have a real negative effect on others.


God Bless You,
Michael Banker

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