BAM – USA Regime Changes

The rats are scrambling!

May 2016

DNC = Clinton Inc. Since 1992

RNC = Bush Inc. Since the 1980’s

June 2016

DNC = Clinton Inc.

RNC = The People of the USA

Welcome to the USA and the biggest shifts of power ever seen in the modern history of the USA.

As the Republican Party scrambles to enter new legislation that will supposedly regain power away from special interests and thieves back to the elected legislatures.

A new player has entered American Politics.  Not a professional politician but a man that has actually offered products and services to people for profits.

Think about it, he knows the results of sham rules and bureaucracies and their negative effects on our people.

He hasn’t had his campaign paid for by special interest groups in exchange for votes and/or special privileges to rip off the people of the USA or the world.

He has more experience sitting across the table from bullshit artists and reading between the lines in documents to expose tricks, traps or hidden collateral damage.

Besides the fact that he swept the Republican primary elections, he is still getting trouble from the RNC because they are having a hard time breathing the fresh air.

The USA was started by people that had businesses and other vested interest in the type of society we wanted here.

Since the 1960’s, mostly because we are good people and have somewhat of an open door democracy, we have been infected by groups that wanted to take advantage and profit by manipulating us or destroy us.

At the very least, the entry of the Presidential race by Donald Trump we are seeing what can happen when a person doesn’t have to call a corporation or country that gave them money before they vote on this or that bill. Making it all much easier because the real question to all bills/votes should be what effect will this have on the people of the United States!

Considering that most problems in the house and senate are problems between warring special interest groups with no regard to the results to the American society or the people of the USA, Donald Trump offers us hope that we can rip the control of the USA out of the hands of ignorant, self righteous and self serving criminals, psychopaths and morons and put it back into the hands of the people of the USA and our elected representatives.

Maybe we can actually stop putting people in prison, ruining people or hunting people down who’s only crime (sic), (invented by the thieves themselves), is telling the people of the USA THE TRUTH!

Not to mention that if you connect the dots you will find that the anti-god movement is born from powerful anti-justice groups who want to build a tyrant dictator.

And the NWO groups are obviously correct that there will be a NWO someday, but some of the powerful are being conned that it can happen before they die naturally. Resulting in using the NWO idea now only murder and rob people.

Bottom line, the first step of whatever direction is to regain honorable legislatures and lawmakers who will stop allowing battles between groups that are battling for power to rip us all off.

And lets not forget that the activities of the many cruel power bases now scattered all across the USA is a result of people copying perceptions of Wall Street and our Government which are looking like self serving creeps.

Maybe, every since the Vietnam war criminals found out that the USA will actually allow the sacrifice of peoples lives for personal profits in wars.

Millions of people in the USA want a chance to build something with their lives. Donald Trump is offering them that opportunity

God Bless


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