Heart of Gold: Us vs. Crime

January 07, 2019

As mankind evolves we must consider who knocks humankind around and why?

Lucky for the millions of people that will barely understand this article because some societies have been successful in creating safe environments to live, raise families etc. But, please don’t take it for granite.

Nor am I talking about what may be called intrinsic corruption which is usually part of social structures like politics…in the eyes of the beholder lol.

When I was a boy, over 50 years ago, and after I had been introduced to the Holy Spirit by some lovely Christians and a culture where people never steal from or abuse others , I have constantly been reminded of a song by Neil Young named Heart of Gold.

A beautiful song. In my mind I changed its fundamental meaning a bit to keep aware and stay constantly on the lookout for lovely people. Because people with a heart of gold are usually lovely people.

Please understand this, I am not talking about a prima donna whiny perspective. I am talking about the heart that is connected to the power of love.

In my journey to become a sage, I have seen many things and sometimes sojourned into dangerous places. There are some very miserable and despicable people in this world and they seem to want to spread their personal misery.

The most interesting of the lot of dung people are the ones that create crime, then create crime to cover their crimes. They seem to have no conscience as to who they hurt.

Who are these people and where did they come from?

I am not talking about the people that do things out of desperation or critical need, the ones we create.

I am talking about the ones that wreck havoc for us all as their common behavior.

The insanity of this dilemma is that they don’t need to do any of the crimes they do, they just seem to have no conscience or care who they hurt.

Did they never participate in a caring culture? Are they the beasts?

Add to that the fact that every week over 1 million people die and the causes of death for a large number of those that die can be directly connected to crimes by others.

Is that all we have? Is that all we are? Or are the dishonest and incompetent blocking our way to bettering our world?

Mass Killing

And let’s not forget the millions that have died when a society has gotten sick of the pain and killed in mass or as in the recent French revolution just chopped off their heads with a guillotine one at a time.

French Revolution

It is almost unbelievable now that we are so well connected and you really cannot run and hide that people are still doing dastardly deeds.

When you meet people that have a Heart of Gold, cherish them and care about them, we are under fire for no other reason than selfishness.

And remember we reap what you sow.

Are We Civilized Yet?

God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well

Reverend Michael Banker


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