Hooray Humanity!

All across the world millions of people are figuring it all out for themselves and are continuing to do great things where they live.

Through the corruption and incompetence humanity seems to be quietly, secretly improving.

What are they figuring out?

1. They figured out that almost all people really know about 100 to 200 people their entire lifetime. So their energies and decisions are better aimed toward their personal environment and people they actually know and can work with to solve problems or improve lives.

2. Spending our time spewing out negative thoughts or feelings is really us just telling on ourselves, that we are unhappy or miserable ourselves. And are selfish enough to want to spread our misery on others.

3. Mass media is a information source that has it’s own agenda which really has very little to do with anyone anywhere other than for a very small group of people to try and manipulate the masses toward an end that really has very little benefit to us but can have huge effect on us.

Cool huh….the results are proven in the global statistics.

But, one flaw and the next step.

Will our self appointed masters try to put chips in all of us to solve the problems they created?

World poverty going down!

Don’t forget to ask yourself this question, because it is where many people think the economists have failed us.

“Is poverty only about consumption?” https://ourworldindata.org/extreme-poverty 

Sorry, but just a few words about the effects of the activities of some of the top echelon in our world.

Could it be that consumption was caused or focused on because the banks need growth, growth, growth?

But, that my friends opens another puzzle.

Were the global banks just being nice all along because the real troublemakers for us all are not necessarily the banks but inept business executives that have built businesses that are too big to reasonably, rationally manage?

And all along the religious and the mutual caring for all people were saying things like income equality lifts all boats.

Now the proof that a self serving perspective hurts us all.

I just added that as a reminder that social trust is the huge issue of the day.

“On an individual level, the same link exists; in fact, individuals’ happiness levels were more closely tied to the level of happiness equality in their country than to its income equality. Happiness equality was also a stronger predictor of social trust than income equality—and social trust, a belief in the integrity of other people and institutions, is crucial to personal and societal well-being.” https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_does_happiness_inequality_matter

So keep on preventing the truth and see where it gets us all.

Ha, LOL So in the end who had common sense?

The thinkers, religious leaders and philosophers that have been all but cast out of the “American Dream”, the quest for money that has all but replaced the soul.

As time goes on and humanity in general learns the facts and opts to play a more active role in all of our futures it will continue to get better.

As it stands now globally humanity headed in an upward trajectory.


God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well
Reverend Michael Banker

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