The Deceivers, Defenders

As I have said before, the real hero’s of this world are the people that live their lives with virtue raising families etc. and participating in their communities in a positive way.

Part of being a nation or society is an organized military which believe it or not made up mostly of virtuous people that actually seek to defend the people of their nation against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Want Peace? Prepare for war!

Sad but true, maybe we are still so uncivilized or by allowing the pompous arrogant to run amuck we are still faced with as a consequence the murder innocent people and waste of trillions of dollars on death and destruction.

Still the fact remains that our societies every day hero’s and it’s military are the huge majority of our nation. People that seek to do no harm, live honestly and to live and let live.

That is one of the result’s of the thousands of people I have met in my  journey.

The Deceivers

Then we have a very small group that I will call the deceivers. Whether our society failed them or they just chose to live from a perspective of predatory evil only time will tell.

I could go into this much deeper, but for this article I will just introduce the subject to you in hopes that you can heal or help someone else heal.

Helpful Videos (Opens in new window). Clues to recognizing Deceivers: One, Two, Three
Pray for them.

They are just one aspect of the liars, cheats and thieves that we raise. And yes I have felt the deep hurt and anger that comes from being viciously victimized and the corresponding feeling of “Who cares what happens to them” or the response by the truly evil and lost “You are a Devoted Christian and cannot do anything about it.”, whew.

Sadly they seem to be able to run rampant in and with their misery trying to corrupt everything they touch or participate in, as a result of the “squeaky wheel gets the oil” mentality they too often cleverly engage us all in their silliness.

Maybe like children that want to know if anyone is in charge.

Many people want to chase them down and beat them or put them in cages (band aid approach). That is not the only option.

Enter Penance

What is Penance?

First I must say that I am forbidden to sell any religion, God demands freewill, we must all make our own choice.

That being said, in this instance one thing that correlates with the growth of a church that grew and somehow managed maybe a billion members before computers even came into the picture.

I am not an expert but I am talking about the Catholic Church.

Penance seems to play a big role in their culture.

What is Penance? A simplistic explanation is that it is an offer to the evil doer to expose and admit their sins or crimes against God or mankind and to swear to God that they want to reset the balance and repay mankind for the the evil that they have done.

Penance is not just words.

Real penance is asking for forgiveness combined with an open display of a change in lifestyle. Which is a lot more beneficial and less expensive to a society than housing millions of people in cages.

Not to mention that caging human beings is a clear indication of general incompetence and an admission that we really are lazy or don’t care about the future of humanity.

Which is one option other than hunting people down with dogs and guns, running them through a broken judicial system and putting them in cages.

Why is the perspective of penance so popular?

Because it takes into consideration, faces that fact, that we as a society create our criminals!

Some will say that penance in someway is a partial justification of the evil doers deeds, but that fact remains that we as a society do create the vast majority of our criminals and penance is more of an alarm or wake-up call as to this or that breakdown in our own cultures.

The Defenders

Another wake up call. Many people think that because the defenders are so busy running their lives or just not seeking the spotlight that they are not there.

Not to exclude the use of fear to rob the masses and the related tricks and sometimes selling of the sometimes lethal “black hat” for self preservation mentality.

When as a matter of fact the majority of our society is chock full of lethal “white hats”. Seeming passive but usually just busy working, helping or enjoying life.

Seldom making noise until a group or leaders cheats them with tricky debauchery denying them their human dignity and God given right to happiness or forces them into a corner via selfishness or greed.

Be assured the silent majority is the tiger that few have survived taunting or forbidding justice to. For those that have ever been in or near a riot will confirm that that power and energy is the most caustic of human conditions. Uncontrolled groups of people fighting for their basic God given rights and survival.

There my friends is where the defenders are, silent, hopeful, honest and trustworthy.

Include the defenders of the controlled military and those that are born dutifully bound to virtuously protect their society as in the USA and you should sleep much better knowing that the USA and the world has a dauntingly huge majority of defenders.

Especially when you consider that millions of people died building the USA!

God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well
Reverend Michael Banker

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