Legislature Disease

February 6, 2017

Legislature Disease

Our legislative base seems to be in disarray and unable to deal with the fact that we are on the cusp of changes that are necessary for all of mankind.

Removing duty from the formula of running for political office and building gatekeepers to prevent necessary adjustments and changes in our society and world.

Running for office now is more like a sport for personal profit instead of us sending representatives from our area to Washington DC to represent us.

They fill their pockets with money from companies that are forced to play an unjust game or are looking for an unfair advantage via legislation.

Spreading their disease worldwide putting all of mankind at risk.

While the vast majority of people live 30 days from homeless or homeless.

Worst of all, to solve the resulting unhappiness of the masses and to justify taking more money away from the treasury and the people of the USA.

They create military style police state organizations to sell a delusion of safety and solution then the cycle starts again as they create enemies to justify more police state behavior to protect themselves.

And they wonder why their self righteousness, greed and incompetence is loathed!

Do they not know that their moral bankruptcy has filtered down to everyday life in our world as now a politically correct norm.

We do have the knowledge, resources and intellect to make great changes, what are they afraid of?

And let’s not forget the changes we need will save lives!

Let’s Stop Legislature Disease.

Michael Banker

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