Why I Chose Donald Trump

February 6, 2017

Was it a dream that he would build the USA to be as beautiful as some of his buildings!

Watching the Donald Trump try to deal with the Legislature(s) of our nation.

Which seems to have Legislature Disease.

Breaks my heart.

Having to use executive orders, just like President Barack Obama did, because sick legislatures cannot come to a consensus makes me wonder why they make so much money or why are they there.

We finally get a President that has lead teams and built huge organizations and buildings into the office of the president and the political monkey see monkey do mentality is trying to dwarf our possibilities and his capability with their moral bankruptcy.

He has a high IQ, he walks his own walk, acts the way he is or wants to act and even those that scream diversity, diversity, diversity are giving him trouble because he has little interest in conforming to their politically correct delusions and demands.

Are we that sick, have we became that self righteous or are we scared?

Has running on the hamster wheel that has been forced on us finally taken its toll?

Now we even want to demand how a man walks and talks ignoring the capabilities, possibilities and future?

I chose Donald Trump because he is real! Not because he can act real!

I chose Donald Trump because he actually has skin in the game.

Unlike a politician that can say “oops I lost” and then ignore the collateral damage of their actions and get back in the game of bullshit in a different costume.

The job of government is to make sure the society is safe from not only crime and nutcases but also greedy, selfish businesses (greed based psychopaths) and to deliver services we as a society need to insure safe and happy lives.

Holding a political office and helping administer the services our government is not a sport, nor should it be allowed to be a for profit endeavor.

Stripping hundreds of millions of people the ability to even save some money under the guise of GNP GROWTH or to have control over them is not a just society it is a slave society.

As it now looks, the politicians have failed us and I or we wanted to let a real builder and organizer of teams help us develop brighter days and futures for us all.

So, there you have it, simply.

Now let’s look at who is in his way.

Politicians and people that want something for nothing are in his way. Spreading disunity like spoiled children and harming us all by forcing us to deal with their tantrums (or self serving con games) instead of being able to roll up our sleeves and solve the problems we inherited by incompetent and self-serving legislatures.

We are good people. Now we need to act like it, be good people and let our President do what he does best.

Create teams, repair and/or build!

God Bless You All and Our President

Michael Banker

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