Pay the Money or Die

February 8, 2017

“My wake-up call came today as I heard myself tell a family physician (which I haven’t had in decades because no insurance) that I recently had visited the emergency room with pneumonia, they had given me a few antibiotics and sent me on my way because I didn’t have insurance. I (“to save my life”) had to get the dose I needed from someone else, a private person, given to me because they seen I was dying!”

As the left rallies to collect millions of dollars to battle the administrators of our nation. Battles that could waste years and billions of dollars as the USA continues to spiral downward in many areas.

It is sad that we may never get a chance for the builders to improve the USA. I looked at pictures of many of the buildings that President Trump was involved in and was reminded why so many voted for him. We didn’t want empire builders we wanted someone that had already built an empire. One that has beauty and splendor for all to enjoy.

What are we getting instead? Master manipulators getting stupid people to attack other people so they can continue fleecing the USA.

I don’t get out much. I live in Bloomington, Indiana. There are billionaires here, there are millionaires here and Indiana University is here. The most influential person I have met here is a 50 something year old addict that is connected to it all. I guess it is a click town.

Looking back I am feeling that as a result of my caring, stupidity or naivety I was just used so they could buy dope.

But on the other hand and more importantly is that I will connect threads to the USA 2017 with the USSR of the 1950’s.

While we profess and promote how the top 15 to 20% in the USA live our base has eroded.

Meanness is prevalent, people jump to attack very quickly and treat each other badly.

Alcoholism and drug abuse is rampant.

Moral bankruptcy is all but wholly accepted as a way of life.

The police and military have been trained to attack our own cities.

The black market is growing as necessity maybe because the bureaucracy and IRS are antiquated.

We are still ignoring mass incarceration and the root causes. Not to mention the improvements we can make in the Judicial system.

Then let’s not forget the cause of most of the trouble. Our capitalist system has not been honed and adjusted for modern times. There are huge gaping holes where people from all over the world are sucking the life out of the USA.

Realistic, reasonable and rational planning has been thrown out in the name of greed and selfishness. They have broken our system so it could be robbed. To the extent that even people are being sacrificed so they can play their insane games.

Who to blame? We were taught to worship money and ignore life and quality of life.

What will be the result?

Very bad things if we cannot start acting like reasonable rational people and give each other the respect we deserve as members of the human species.

We can do much better I am sure!

God Bless You All

Michael Banker

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