The Art of Serving


Happy Sunday, spring has almost sprung.

The magic of God or anyone that has a belief system or that understands that they are not God and there is a higher power. Knows that serving people is the key to almost everything.

You can watch or read all the dramas you want to, maybe even become programmed into that mindset, but the fact remains that almost everything positive and important that happens happens because someone served someone.

And all the dramas that happen afterward usually are caused by people who don’t serve anyone, they somehow cannot see that we are a brotherhood of man and that the more people you help the more satisfaction you get and sometimes you also get lots of money. Why can’t they see that?

No matter what religion you choose, a common denominator is service to your fellow persons! Wow, what a surprise.

Then enter the ones that don’t get it.
With their agendas and dramas, getting in the way of the rest of us that have no other agenda but to pursue happiness and have realized that service creates happiness, satisfaction and a sense of self worth, including sometimes financial gain.

In 2018 with so many people we now have huge teams doing great things, but sadly we also have teams of people that don’t get it and they are constantly throwing wrenches into the gears of all that want peace, prosperity and to contribute.

Who are these people and why can’t they understand that we are all in this together. Are they satan, are they evil or are they just selfish and ignorant of the fact that serving for the good is a higher power in itself.

In Business all the great companies served someone, somehow afterward for some companies the incompetent or ignorant who didn’t understand moved in and instead of carrying on the greatness and working to insure success, instead of admitting that they are not Gods, that they can make mistakes and that they should fix their own mistakes. Instead they ended up going to the public trusts to bail them out.

So they were rewarded for their incompetence and a drain to us all adding hopelessness to millions that play fair and square serving others instead of making corruption for unfair advantage or personal gain.

Then there are the gatekeepers of the public trust, who we trust with and pay for to help insure safety, peace and tranquility for all.

They sometimes get tricked by those that are self serving and narrow minded. Resulting in, for instance, one of the worlds largest mass migrations since biblical times. I am talking about the movement of the muslim peoples who are themselves seeking safety and perusing happiness.

Who were the gatekeepers serving? So be it. Let’s keep the past in the past and move forward, learning from our mistakes.

Serving people or mankind is an art. It can be a challenge but the benefits can be very substantial.

If you look around you whether for personal or financial gain just about everything good is a result of someone wanting to serve someone or someone serving someone. The results are overwhelming in every area technology, medicine on and on, the cutting edge of what mankind is achieving is amazing and exciting.

The Art: Is in understanding that self serving is not serving. Making sure that everyone involved is on the same page. Take the time to define and neutralize the cynical and dishonest who will cause you trouble and can destroy everything you are trying to accomplish.

And by all means never let the cynical or dishonest get control, their agenda is about self serving. They didn’t invent it or create it and they cannot carry it through. In other words watch out for the thugs, sometimes they are very persuading and offer pretty baubles, lol.

Oops, and also be very weary of the “I’ve got the money so I’m in charge” people. Thank God, Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Jonas Salk and the thousands of others that weren’t quelled by the low self esteem people and kept faith to carry on.

Learn to get help, teams can create more success and bigger results.

Learn to communicate reasonably, rationally, fairly and openly. Including being strong enough to dissuade the self serving drama kings and queens. They will try and steal it and then break it, they always do.

Learn that there is almost never instant gratification and most people with all the goodies worked very hard at some point to get the freedom that they earned and enjoy.

It’s time to remove the roadblocks, we are all in this together.

Dream your dream, serve someone, the benefits and achievements will come.

Get Real, recognize your obstacles.

Become a part of it, learn that serving (not taking) is the key.

God Bless You and Be Peace
Michael Banker an American

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