We Can Heal This


Remembering that the United States is but a mere 300 years old, give or take a hundred years or so. And oh what a great time it has been so far.
One thing I have noticed is that there are way to many people that watch to much TV I guess and think the way to success is to screw over those that can do, those that do accomplish things.
In other words find someone that has skills and force them into slavery. For some reason, jealousy, envy, greed etc. We seem to have an over abundance of people out there want something for nothing and some of them form groups of dangerously morally bankrupt people and do much more harm us and society than any terrorist group ever did.
And they waste the time we need to be solving problems by sucking us into their quagmire of dishonesty.
The test of any nations integrity is if they can deal with this type of problem and if they do. If for no other reason than to insure a safe and vibrant future for our young not to mention how much better life would be if we help heal the trouble makers and misery spreaders.
For what ever reason people lose their minds, declining moral values is a loss of mind, at some point a nation must deal with the issue or we all lose. In a huge way because a morally bankrupt person hurts many people without conscience and many times we now see severe sophisticated psychopathology.
If a nation doesn’t figure out the best way for their society to deal with it then things start breaking. Economic systems break, justice systems break, court systems break…just about every aspect of what makes up a great society slowly erodes into a quagmire of people all standing around pointing at others to solve the problems. And most of all I think it breeds a general loss of hope and hopefulness about peoples lives and futures.

What led me to this train of thought this morning?

Well I was thinking about God and my blessings and how lucky I was that I took the time to look inside myself and decide who I am and in what way can I best serve others and my fellow man. The answer was to gather information from a standpoint of Not being indoctrinated and see what results I come up with. Then write about it.
Plus in my need to get a little business going so I can pay back all the people who helped me get through this last 10 or so. Some situations resulted that are very telling in regards to our society as a whole. People getting in the way of other people that are trying to accomplish things. Sometimes its like “I am miserable so let me spread my misery on anyone and everyone that I can trick into falling for it.”

Is America Getting Punked by Punks?

It has always amazed me the many ways the sad or devious will try and drag others into ridiculousness and coax them into not being reasonable rational people.
Problem solving in 2018 seems to have two new faces. 1. Who can I blame? 2.Who can I pass the responsibility of a solution onto.
If the people of the United States want to Make America Great Again then they may first need to start with a couple of things. Do their job better and let others do their own job better too.
Watching the slew of people that are all making noise I sometimes wonder is their own house in order? Don’t they realize that they are having a negative impact on being able to find solutions and conclusions?
I was so excited when an entrepreneur was elected president but I knew it would take time to see the real results. Would he keep his entrepreneur mindset or would he be sucked in by what might be called a bureaucratic mindset of lets find someone to blame. One side is dominated by excuses and the other is dominated by results.
Then wow, all of a sudden every single problem in the world got dumped onto the President and he became the blame for them all.
Kind of strange considering the high cost we pay to run our government and let’s not forget the corporate types who milk every dime out of our treasury they can by dragging problems out or not solving them at all even though they get paid a premium to do so…duh.
So if we start from the top down or the bottom up. If everyone would do their own job excellently instead of looking for someone to throw it and the results onto. There may be less spreading of misery and our new Entrepreneur Builder President can start building something instead of having to go around cleaning up after other peoples incompetence’s.
They are all getting paid for it, why aren’t we seeing good positive results?

Unless general hopelessness is set in too deep and we will become what Sun Tzu said we would become about 2500 years ago!

God Bless You All, Be Peace
Michael Banker an American

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