Thugs vs Righteousness

Sorry too many people are dying for ridiculous reasons so I have no interest in dancing your dance.

Blocking truth breeds corruption and barbaric behavior that sends us backwards.

Here we go. The us vs them monkey see monkey do lazy small minded reality is rearing it’s ugly head again.

Guess what, there is no us vs them, please consider that as it stands the people who bought into their own bullshit sent pompous ass people to represent us and sell others a bogus reality, then because they didn’t actually want to take the time to consider and understand the cultural diversity they tried to buy compliance or submission. Sometimes creating enemies!

If you consider how many enemies the people of the USA really have other than the ones that have revenge in their hearts because they were bullied around. You will realize that the people of the USA really have very few enemies.

Projecting Trump vs Putin, Putin vs Trump is despicable debauchery that sends our cultures backwards.

Projecting the pure heart and deeds of Martin Luther King Jr. to achieve a private self serving agenda or cause trouble is despicable debauchery that sends our cultures backwards.

While at the same time the domestic issues of the USA were and are being ignored and have grown into monsters.

The people of the USA are pretty much loved worldwide. And yes we still have the same human problems, how to expose and neutralize dishonest, stubbornly ignorant and greedy self serving behavior that negatively affects others.

Aside from those that are trying to hide crimes they committed while on the payroll of the people of the USA, like selling or manipulating information or using information that is collected by our publicly owned intelligence gathering organizations for personal or private financial gain.

It’s the incompetent, quick fix idiotic proven to fail agendas like Marxism, Communism and Socialism, which history tells us are all invitations to abuses of power and authority, that are now the obstruction. Any one of those would send us backwards and back into a loop that has been proven to fail.

And lets not forget the tribal mentality, people from all races, creeds and genders that feel marginalized as a result of the activities and sucking away of resources by a few ego maniacs that think they want to rule the world or that sometimes just want to force us into their small minded reality.

The world is growing and advancing but the USA is being left behind! Why?

Because we are being conned by bullies and as a result many seem to feel personally abused resulting in haggling with or trying to feed off of each other for answers or to blame. Please stop bickering, it won’t solve our problems.

And don’t forget that we are already globalized or globalizing, we are just not yet in the slot that the self proclaimed God’s of the universe want us in. Lol, they are so funny.

As the politics became more communistic and Marxist, dictating almost every aspect of business peoples lives, people started protecting themselves or bailing out all together. While at the same time the lack of real justice caused huge black market organizations and organized grime.

God Bless You,

Michael Banker

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