What Color are You? The New Racism!

How do you feel? Was it worth it?

My perspective is that we were all conned and lots of unnecessary damage was done. Cost; trillions, lives damaged; hundreds of millions.

What is my base for this article? There were racial riots at the high school I went to. By that time I had already decided that for me to deliver the best possible contribution to mankind that I could, I would travel and actually see what is happening or investigate what happened rather than just read someone else’s interpretation of it.

So I would go to other riots and events etc. that I would find out about by the news and also investigate them.

So the people with the yellow hats want the people with the purple hats to wear yellow hats.

After 50 years what were the results?

Before I go on remember that when you go to an elementary school and such children get along just fine regardless of gender, race, creed or religion. And almost all people have great friendships and relationships with all other peoples! Exit the drama…..

1. Business and politics were forced to use the tiny bulldozer with the yellow hat to move the big mountain, costing everyone in the long run, sometimes the mountain never got moved. Sorry but I will not apologize for knowing the true cost to us all of forced mediocrity. We are all brothers and sisters.
2. Charlatans and opportunists manipulate and have manipulated and used all kinds of racism and diversity issues for personal financial gain and or to spread their personal misery on many others.

On our road to evolving, as we are suffering the realities, whims and outdated ideals and ideas of some of the elders that are higher up the food chain and the machinations of shallow people .

We should stay vigilant and realize what is really happening when  we are invited to join some dipshits plan to spread unfairness, dishonesty and pain onto others for personal or ego gain. Especially now that hundreds  of thousands and maybe millions are bowing out of the game because it is just too unfair.

We all know now that besides disgusting corruption the ignorance we deal with is at least partially a product of designs born long before mass communication and the age of truth. Don’t be angry with their ignorance, ignorance just means they don’t know yet.

It’s 2018 and we have more untapped power than we have ever had, we can either initiate positive change as a matter of fact before the catastrophes start or we can continue the let the lazy asses and thugs trick us into focusing on bullshit.

If you need something to fight about or make just! Let’s make personal integrity the new racism, we can call it integrism so we can facilitate real justice rather than have someones else shove their specifically designed interpretation onto our lives.

Personal integrity is mentioned by all religions and pathways to success as the only true and consistent base of which we can facilitate successful launching of all endeavors and help insure safe and happy lives. Not to mention that you will attract others that live the same way.

God Bless You

Michael Banker

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