Welcome to the USA

Welcome to America

For the sake of time and because you will be able to find out more in my coming book “The Weaving Disciple” Magnificence vs. Mediocrity.

I am agreeing with David L. Holmes

Please remember that the American revolution could never have happened without the support of Christians.
The Faiths of the Founding Fathers

The main thesis of the book, found on page 134, is that the U.S.
Founding Fathers fell into three religious categories:

1. the smallest group, founders who had left their Judeo-Christian heritages and become advocates of the Enlightenment religion of nature and reason called “Deism”. These figures included Thomas Paine and Ethan Allen.

2. the founders who remained practicing Christians. They retained a supernaturalist world view, a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ, and an adherence to the teachings of their denomination. These founders included Patrick Henry, John Jay, and Samuel Adams. Holmes also finds that most of the wives and daughters of the founders fell into this category.

3. the largest group consisted of founders who retained Christian loyalties and practice but were influenced by Deism. They believed in little or none of the miracles and supernaturalism inherent in the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Holmes finds a spectrum of such Deistic Christians among the founders, ranging from John Adams and George Washington on the conservative right to Benjamin Franklin and James Monroe on the skeptical left.

The American Flag is a representation of the spirit of the founding of the USA.

When some people get angry they kick the cat so to speak, when others get angry they burn the flag because they feel that it no longer represents them and the spirit of the founding of the USA. Or that our governing bodies no longer represent us.

In this video Video of the deputies arresting the guy on a tractor.

Why did it happen this way, who has trained our police to victimize people? Who is pitting us against each other?

It wasn’t Jesus and don’t blame the police, they are doing what they have been taught. They are no different than you or I and are just as vulnerable to being manipulated by monsters as any of us are.

What if it was a rhino a bird or an elephant on the tractor?

They may have parked there, ordered some pizza, chilled with some tunes and waited for him to come down. Why are we so quick to attack each other?

Who taught us that? Here is clue, read agenda 21 or agenda 2030 and you will notice something is missing there too!

I am not selling Christianity I just personally prefer Jesus, kindness, justice and mutual caring. And I know that I am not as smart as Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius or whatever belief system you choose once you realize that you are not God and there is something very powerful with us every moment.

Here is another clue, why is the full force of the US Government in the name of the American people being used to cause a guy, (whose only crime was telling us about incompetence and abuses that could hurt us all) to live in fear?
julian assange
Do they really think the people of the USA are that weak?

Maybe they need to spend a month on an American farm, working in one of our restaurants or grocery stores to see who we really are before they drag us into any more of their bullshit!

If you are a great chef, create a great restaurant and someone kills you to get the restaurant that restaurant will fail! The magnificence of your work will be lost in the mediocrity of the ignorant.

If you are a great writer and someone uses electronic devices you steal your work, it will fail! The magnificence of your work will be lost in the mediocrity of the ignorant.

The people of the United States need to stop letting people make us fail! Because the result of it all on this day in 2018 is that most people in the United States are not mean, greedy, selfish, psychopathic or immoral! Other people are making us look that way.

The magnificence of our work is being lost in the mediocrity of the ignorant.

We need to stop people from making us look like that! And know that 100’s of millions of people are counting on us!

We are in this together, be very weary of those that pit us against each other or we will fail.

Blame who? Russia is battling the same enemy, it’s not the Vatican, or the Queen of England, or China or Islam. So please don’t look for someone to blame.

We just need to clean up our own house and bring brotherhood back into our daily lives.

God Bless You
Reverend Michael Banker

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