Why do I write these articles?

I sometimes wonder why I write these articles! The result of the wonderment may be just that I was mysteriously born with some kind of a sense of duty. May be just a search for the best future for us all.

Because I worry about you all.

I am pretty sure it is just my nature, when I was a boy I figured that I would become either a psychiatrist or a priest. I just care that’s all, it matters to me what kind of lives people can have or can choose to have, which has turned into are permitted to have!!!!!!!!!! What the heck is political correctness anyway? When we were born were our mothers and fathers politically correct for loving and adoring us?

Then as I grew up a boatload of issues jumped on my brain for me to think about like live action Vietnam, racial riots at our school, drug use or people deciding to ingest chemicals instead of live and be happy with reality.

I remember when employers paid a living wage to all employees. Even wait staff, waitresses and waiters, made good money because the general public had money. I am talking about everyone had or could get money, not like now where just the top 20% has money and some semblance of freedom.

The small businesses could even participate in the lives of their employees by slipping them an extra $50 or $100 bucks once in a while in appreciation of their work. The IRS stopped that.

A government job was a job people took in the interim while they waited for a better job to open up in the free enterprise system. Then the bureaucracy started a machine that has changed the spirit of America maybe forever. The economic system was broken as our companies were conned into moving the jobs overseas.

People started blowing up buildings, innocent until proven guilty was reversed, even people from overseas started attacking us. A huge police machine and system was built and prisons and jails became income producing enterprises.

The bureaucracy seen, as an answer either for their own job security or to make sure everyone knew “they were in control”, to make piles of laws and rules further pressing the spirit of the people down into a place that promoted misery. Using the media to promote guilt and fear as cleverly as the most ruthless of tyrants have in the past. To the point that they even now hide suicide statistics from the people because suicide is a directly connected to quality of life. And the cause is a direct result of a few self serving individuals who managed to gain control of our quality of life.

Trying to teach is that is it ok that we have no sense of self worth, that we don’t need to be actual participants in the future of our own lives and the lives of our children. Trying to force a mindset that we be obedient to an invisible force or system that is no longer socially responsible and sometimes seemingly without conscience like a psychopath.

Watching elected officials openly demand death or imprisonment to those that expose the truths that we desperately need to know about so that we can actually see and the real issues that are bleeding the ability for, if not ourselves, then for our young to have happy and fulfilling lives.

Ignorance is one of the most dangerous things in life.

Why do they want to force us to IGNORE the facts (so we can’t fix them?), to the point of even having live action government officials meeting with powerful pastors and ministers to try and employ them to impress the wishes of manmade government or corporate machines over God and the inalienable rules of common law (laws that were made for the benefit of all mankind under any and all God’s or creators).

I sometimes wonder if Jesus wasn’t put on the cross because he didn’t have a permit or license to teach love, kindness and brotherhood. Has their attempt to destroy the separation of church and state worked..because now you must even have a license to share the words and beliefs of our Gods. At the very least you must submit to debt slavery to one of the schools of the moneychangers to help them perpetuate their game of baubles.

Must we now have permission to love life and each other?

As they are obviously trying to remove the belief systems of religion. Replacing it with the quest of stacking up pretty baubles and inventing importance as they relate it to their stacks of baubles. What belief system will they try and remove next? The belief in ourselves?

Never stop believing in yourself. No matter what drivel or machinations they try and indoctrinate you with, you are an integral part of the creation of earth and all of the natural beauty we were given as part of our home.

I write these things because it is our choice what kind of future we want for ourselves and the coming generations. And hopefully now that we have global communication we, as humankind, can start addressing some of the important issues.

Or is it against the law to care and I didn’t get the memo!

You are loved!

May Your God Bless You,

Even if you worship money. That is Freewill my friend, your choice.

Michael Banker

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