Open Source: What is it?

Open Source, what is it?

When I was young I read everything. I picked up my newspaper bundles at about 3am and every day was exciting to read all the news that was fit to print HA.

As I read the stories through the years a recurring theme kept playing through my mind. “How many Einstein’s do we as a society lose as a result of the imbalances in our economic system or in the ghettos, poor urban and rural areas?”

I would wonder about people that committed crimes as a result of, after further investigation, social imbalances in our society and other societies around the world. People that for some reason or another never got to partake in the inalienable opportunities promised us by our constitution, bill of rights and God.

It seemed that lazy and incompetent people had created a system that would label them and just grind them up forever. Monkey see Monkey do!

psychopath idiot
I would wonder what happened between the moment they were born and handed into their loving mothers arms and the moment that they decided to betray common sense and their society in general by going berserk and stealing or hurting someone.

My mind, which may be a strange mind, seen this as a failure of the general society and as the years rolled on it consistently pointed to economic inequality which, in their mind, was designed to exploit them and forbid them fair access to knowledge. Forbid them the time to develop themselves. Forbid them the means for them to bring us great inventions, processes and organizations.

Even in the Christian Bible when it says we cannot serve two masters and it is wise to choose between serving God (love, justice and mutual caring for all of mankind) or Mammon (an unnatural attachment to material things or money) we are offered phenomenal wisdom, in just a few words. In other words do you want a life of love filled with friends and kindness or do you want a life of gnashing of teeth where everyone is stealing, backbiting and trying to gain advantage for the sake of money or low self esteem which results from thinking you are not worthy unless you have goodies.

And a quick note, I won’t even go to why television shows try to sell is in their evil ways. Let’s leave that for another article.

OK, back to point: Open Source

Open Source is a choice by people that either do not want to participate in the game of money grubbing, people that want to offer opportunity to anyone that has a desire to join and make the project or work better or more importantly open source is people that see that charging for information that can now easily be distributed worldwide for the public good will not destroy more gifted and talented people.

It will not add to economic disparity which destroys more greatness and inevitably could end up creating even more problems by adding to the huge numbers of poor which may eventually end up in class warfare.

Aren’t we are really getting sick of war, it is a racket comprised of only destruction by ignorant, incompetent or lazy people.

People that, by the way are basically pillaging our treasury and wasting huge resources on destruction for personal gain.

So Open Source might be described as: sharing knowledge, information and intellect for the public good in hopes that someone may take it a step further and make it even greater to help mankind even more.

Yes, now comes the next issue, how do we pay our bills? Hmmmm

Well maybe we need to rethink distribution or rethink our government budget. The Bible again, it is better to teach you to fish than to just give you a fish. Which brings to mind the next big issue we must deal with as soon as possible. Which is stopping the act of making our young people debt slaves with false promises that paying to get information will insure happier and safer lives.

Do we want to hurt our friends or neighbors? NOPE

Did God say, “These people get water and those people don’t?”

Did God say, “These people get food and those people don’t?”

Did God say, “These people get shelter and those people don’t?”

Did God say, “These people get medical care and those people don’t?”

Then why are we being taught or indoctrinated to prey on our friends and neighbors?

Open Source:”A gift to humanity.”, information by mankind for mankind. No gatekeepers or moneychangers.

As a result of instant global communication and advances in almost all other areas, organizations are now being formed to deal with these and other important issues. Feel free to start one or jump in. Find the passion, you can do it.

Michael Banker

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